Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. – Aristotle
By 2030, it will be the largest cause of human suffering worldwide. The World Health Organization Predicts : By 2020 depression will be the second largest cause of human suffering. By 2030, it will be the largest cause of human suffering worldwide. - The World Health Organization
About 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood. Each day, there are approximately 12 youth suicides. Every 2 hours and 11 minutes, a person under the age of 25 commits suicide. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) Facts At A Glance, Summer 2007
A New Well-Being Paradigm
What We Need : Individuals & Society To fix the outside, we absolutely MUST address the inner life too.
ACTIVATE YOUR HAPPINESS! Happiness Leads to Success Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than at NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL or STRESSED . ACTIVATE YOUR HAPPINESS! Shawn Anchor, Harvard
10% - Sonja Lyubomirsky: The How of Happiness
What are Your Top 3 Strengths? 1. 2. 3. It’s satisfying to draw on your strengths. How can you use them more in your day to day life?
Finding your Happiness Triggers Track Your Happiness: Finding your Happiness Triggers Under Age 10 Age 10-15 Age 15-20 Age 20-25 Over Age 25
My Monkey Mind Mind Reading Control Myth Personalization Catastrophizing Emotional Reasoning Critic Voice Blaming
NEWS FLASH: You CAN change your mind! NEUROPLASTICITY - the lifelong ability of the brain to reorganize neural pathways based on new experiences. We are NOT born with a fixed number of brain cells. The average adult grows 5,000 new brain cells a day. Practice a couple minutes/day changing your thoughts = POSITIVE CHANGE! Source: Interview with Richard Davidson, Seattle, Washington, April 13th, 2008.
What is Your Mindset? Fixed Mindset G 1 2 3 FIXED MINDSET My potential is determined at birth. GROWTH MINDSET A person’s true potential is unknown. “I’m a failure” (identity) “I failed” (action) Avoid challenges. Persists in the face of setbacks. Why bother? It’s not going to change anything. Growth and learning require effort. Feel threatened by the success of others. If you succeed, then I fail. Finds lessons & inspiration in other people’s success. Fixed Mindset 1 2 3 G Don’t reach full potential Reach even higher levels of achievement Adapted from: Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: the new Psychology of Success. Ballantine Books (2008).
Tracking YOUR Mindset? Think of a recent challenge you faced either personally or professionally. What mindset did you have (fixed or growth)? How did this mindset affect your experience of happiness?
Practicing Happiness Active Practices (Zumba) Creative Practices (Drawing) Quiet Practices (Meditation) Wellness Practices (Sleep) Relationship Practices (Volunteering)
Well-Being Practice: 1. Note the positive Every day for a week… 1. Note the positive 2. Express gratitude regularly 3. Compliment & Connect 4. Reflect on your positive changes -Giovanni Fava of Univ. of Bologna, Italy
Deepening Gratitude What INSPIRED me today? What CHALLENGED me today? What SURPRISED me today? What touched my HEART?
Happiness IS Contagious!!! Your happiness has 3 degrees of influence! Happy Guy!! 25% increase 10% increase Source: Dr. James Fowler, UC San Diego, Dr. Nicholas Chistakis, Harvard University. 5.6% increase
“Don’t ask what the world needs “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman
www.projecthappiness.org For Added Resources Project Happiness shares programs, books and its award-winning film with therapists, schools and communities in 57 countries. For Free Resources & to learn more join us @ www.projecthappiness.org 855-77-HAPPY (774-2779)