Teaching & Learning with Web 2.0 Tools…
baboon™'s photostream
What can blogs or wikis do for you/ your teaching/ your class/ your students/ their learning???
group Web site A wiki is a group Web site. All those who are members of a wiki may add, edit and delete content on the site. Collaborative… anarchic... chaotic… open-ended… insecure… fluid… collective… self-correcting… egalitarian… inelegant… open… shared… user-vicious… interactive. From: geekgirl’s plain english computinggeekgirl’s plain english computing
From U Minnesota – Teaching with WikisU Minnesota
content is published in a chronological fashion content is updated regularly readers have the possibility to leave comments other blog authors can interact via trackbacks and pingbacks content is syndicated via RSS feeds From: DailyBlogTipsDailyBlogTips
Joe Sanchez via EDUCAUSE Joe Sanchez
there is no ‘right’ way… don’t assume… what makes sense?... start small… get help… ask students… remember why…