SO, JUST WHO IS THIS SERIAL KILLER? visual review by david bruce
The promotion reads: “In one of the most remote places on earth, a bloodthirsty serial killer has claimed over 300 victims, and is still at large to this day. Now, inspired by the true story of the world's most prolific killer, comes ‘Primeval,’ a nail-biting horror-thriller…” WHO IS THE PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER?
The trailer gives us quick flashes of this guy. So is he the killer? Well… No.
WHO IS THE PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER? And then there is this truck seemingly running down this women! Is the driver the serial killer? Again, No!
WHO IS THE PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER? A CSI type scenario is also featured in the trailer. We are definitely led to believe that this must be the worse human monster of all time.
WHO IS THE PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER? Human? We are led to assume this incorrectly! This scene gives us a clue as to who this blood thirsty serial killer really is. Believe it or not, it turns out to be – a crocodile! The studios tried to keep this a secret with no early screenings!
GUSTAVE IS THE PROLIFIC SERIAL KILLER! However, word got around anyway: the killer is a 25-foot crocodile named Gustave. And, in fact, there is such a rumor in South Africa. This legendary beast is said to have killed more then 300 and is still on the loose. This, then, is “true story” the movie is based on.
The movie connects to profound age old myths and fears: Dangerous Water = Underworld = Place of evil and devils (hell). Crocodile = Leviathan = Chaos monster = Satanic evil GUSTAVE IS THE PERSON- IFICATION OF EVIL!
The story ties into the age old quest: How do you overcome the evil that harms people. In countless stories within our culture we do conquer evil and win. Unfortunately, evil always returns. Freddie, Jason, Jaws, and Hannibal always return despite previous “wins”. THE QUEST: WHO DO WE OVER COME EVIL?
Bottom line: Evil is always with us. There is no law of progress. Our future is in our own hands, to make or to mar. It will be an uphill fight to the end, and would we have it otherwise? Let no one suppose that evolution will ever exempt us from struggles. 'You forget,' said the Devil, with a chuckle, 'that I have been evolving too.' --Christian Mystic William Ralph Inge ( )
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