Measuring the Power of Learning.™ California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) TOMS Test Administration TOMS Test Administration and User Setup and User Setup October 20, –2 p.m. Presented by Michael McDaniel, ETS
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 2 Purpose The purpose of this Webcast is to go over: –The Coordinator Designation Form and Test Security Agreement –How to log on to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) –How to configure test administrations in TOMS and view test windows –Adding and managing users in TOMS
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 3 Agenda Reminders Coordinator Designation Form and Test Security Agreement Logging on to TOMS Configuring test administrations in TOMS Adding and managing users Live demonstration Questions Announcements
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Reminders
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 5 Reminders Direct-funded charters will test independently Locally funded charters will test dependently upon their authorizing charter Online submittal of CAASPP coordinator designation forms and test security agreements Science assessments will be administered for the California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for Science in grades 5, 8, and 10.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 6 Reminders Smarter Balanced tests in English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics –Each content area assessment will contain a computer-adaptive portion as well as a performance task –To receive a complete test score, students must complete the computer-adaptive portion of the test and the performance task for both content areas –Scores will show progress from the prior year
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Designation Form and Test Security Agreement
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 8 to Superintendents An was sent to superintendents regarding the online CAASPP Coordinator Designation Form and Test Security Agreement Superintendents are required to identify schools with technological difficulty prohibitive of online testing –Online form to submit information on those schools is available –Coordinate with your superintendent to identify those schools, if any
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 9 Designation Form Submitted by the district Superintendent or direct- funded independently testing Charter School Administrator Superintendents/Administrators must designate the local educational agency (LEA) CAASPP coordinator annually –Forms were due September 30, 2015 The designation form must be updated if the coordinator or contact information changes
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 10 Test Security Agreement Must be signed by both LEA CAASPP coordinators and site coordinators Test Security Agreement is an online form –Same form for LEA CAASPP coordinators and site coordinators –Routed electronically to the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) or LEA Test security agreements were due September 15, 2015 –IMPORTANT NOTE: CalTAC must receive both the Coordinator Designation Form and Test Security Agreement to grant access to TOMS.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Logging On to TOMS
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 12 Logging On Once a Test Security Agreement form has been submitted, CalTAC will add the LEA CAASPP coordinator to TOMS After an LEA CAASPP coordinator is added to TOMS, he/she will receive an automated with a temporary password –Note: Username is your address this year
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 13 Logging On
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 14 Logging On 1.Go to 2.Select the link to TOMS. 3.Enter the username and password that was sent to you via . 4.Select the [Login] button.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 15 Logging On 5.By using or accessing this site, you agree to the terms and conditions of use. Select the Terms and Conditions of Use link to read the full text. 6.First-time users will be prompted to enter a new password.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 16 Logging On 7.After you sign in, the Dashboard in the TOMS home page opens. −The Dashboard default view is the News & Announcements tab. This feature will keep you informed of important announcements.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Configuring Test Administrations in TOMS
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 18 Test Administration Windows Testing windows for 2015 – 16: –Grades 3-8 (Smarter Balanced) for ELA and Mathematics On the day in which 66% of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed –Grades 11 (Smarter Balanced) for ELA and Mathematics On the day in which 80% of a school’s annual instructional days have been completed Grade 11 results used for Early Assessment Program (EAP) purposes
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 19 Test Administration Windows Testing windows for 2015 – 16: –CST/CMA/CAPA Science and Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) 85% of a school’s instructional days must be completed –California Alternate Assessment (CAA) The available testing window for spring 2016 is April 11 through June 17, 2016
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 20 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates Select the [Test Admins] bar on the left navigation bar.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 21 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates Select “CAASPP ” from the Testing Program drop-down list.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 22 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates In the Select LEA field, select the --Select Organization-- link. A search will open; type your LEA’s name in the search field and select it when it appears.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 23 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates Select [CONTINUE].
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 24 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates Select the dates on the calendar to indicate days that the LEA is closed or unable to accept testing materials. Blue cells indicate nondelivery and nonworking days for LEAs. Clicking on a blue cell will deselect the date as a nondelivery/nonworking date.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 25
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 26 Step 1: Setting Nondelivery and Nonworking Dates When you are finished configuring your dates, select [SAVE]. A confirmation will display. Select [SET INSTRUCTIONAL CALENDAR] to continue or [Close] to set the instructional calendar later.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 27 When the Set Instructional Calendar view opens, you will see a screen similar to this. Step 2: Setting Instructional Start and End Dates
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 28 Step 2: Setting Instructional Start and End Dates Select the [Summary] icon to set the instructional start and end dates for an admin.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 29 Select a type of Pre-ID from the Pre-ID Type and Parent Address labels check box and drop-down list. Options are “Labels” or “None.” Select dates from the Instructional Calendar Start Date and Instructional Calendar End Date calendars. Step 2: Setting Instructional Start and End Dates
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 30 Select [SAVE]. A confirmation box will display. Select [CLOSE] to continue and open the “Set Noninstructional Dates” section. Step 2: Setting Instructional Start and End Dates
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 31 When the “Set Noninstructional Dates” page opens, you will see a screen similar to this. Step 3: Setting Noninstructional Dates
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 32 Select the noninstructional dates by selecting the calendar date cells. Select [SAVE]. A confirmation box will display. Step 3: Setting Nonistructional Dates
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 33 Step 4: Setting Test Admins After setting noninstructional dates, the “Set Test Admins” section will be populated according to the information you have been entering up until this point. You can change the Test Admin Start Date and Test Admin End Date for each test by clicking on the [Calendar] icon. You can clear the Test Admin Start Date and Test Admin End Date by selecting the [X] icon.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 34
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 35 Step 4: Setting Testing Admins Check the Activate this Test Admin box to set the test administration Check the box only for the tests that apply to the admin you’re setting –i.e., If you’re setting up a test admin for an elementary school district, you should not check the “activate” box for Smarter Balanced grade 11 (ELA and Mathematics)
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 36 Step 4: Setting Testing Admins
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 37 Step 4: Setting Testing Admins When you are finished, select [SAVE]. A confirmation box will display. Select [CLOSE] to view a Testing Windows Summary.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 38 Select a tab in the “Windows Summary” section to view the dates for a particular testing window. –Note: Some dates listed for the SBAC tabs will not apply to most LEAs. Viewing the Details of the Windows Summary
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 39
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Adding and Managing Users
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 41 Adding and Managing Users Many roles in TOMS grant users access to student personally identifiable information (PII) In determining which user role is appropriate, LEAs should adhere to local information security policies and procedures on protection of PII
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 42 Adding and Managing Users Superintendents may add additional personnel within their LEA that will be granted LEA CAASPP coordinator–level access to TOMS LEA CAASPP coordinator-level access must be designated by the Superintendent through the Coordinator Designation Form The primary LEA CAASPP coordinator will bear overall responsibility for all of the added users within his or her LEA
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 43 Adding and Managing Users Available User Roles: LEA CAASPP Coordinator Test Site Coordinator Test Administrator Test Examiner Test Administrator & Test Examiner Interim Assessment Administrator Only Educator - District Educator - Site Educator - Roster ] View-Only Roles
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 44 Adding and Managing Users Descriptions for each of the user roles can be found at ms-users.html ms-users.html Each user can be assigned one role within a site or a school Test Site Coordinator and Educator - District roles can only be assigned by the LEA CAASPP coordinator
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 45 Adding and Managing Users LEA CAASPP coordinators must add test site coordinators to TOMS to enable the designated users to administer, monitor, and manage the online Smarter Balanced summative and interim assessments Once test site coordinators are added by their LEA CAASPP coordinator and receive access to TOMS, they will have the ability to add Test Administrators, Test Examiners, and other user roles for their assigned site Users assigned Test Examiner or Test Administrator & Test Examiner roles must be a credentialed or licensed employee
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 46 User Role Definitions Test Site Coordinator –Identifies and trains all relevant site staff, assigns and verifies student test settings, and coordinates site test security. Creates student rosters, and access completion status reports and assessment results in the Online Reporting System (ORS) for all students in that school site.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 47 User Role Definitions Test Administrator –Administers summative assessments and interim assessments to students, confirms student test settings, and ensures test session security. Accesses completion status reports in the ORS and has read-only access to assessment results for students in an associated roster in the ORS. Rosters are created and assigned to the user by the LEA CAASPP coordinator or test site coordinator.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 48 User Role Definitions Test Examiner –Credentialed or licensed employee who administers alternate summative assessments and interim assessments to students, confirms student test settings, and ensures test session security. Accesses completion status reports in the ORS and has read-only access to assessment results for students in an associated roster in the ORS. Rosters are created and assigned to the user by the LEA CAASPP coordinator or test site coordinator.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 49 User Role Definitions Test Administrator & Test Examiner –Credentialed or licensed employee who administers both standard and alternate summative assessments and interim assessments to students, confirms student test settings, and ensures test session security. Accesses completion status reports in the ORS and has read-only access to assessment results for students in an associated roster in the ORS. Rosters are created and assigned to the user by the LEA CAASPP coordinator or test site coordinator.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 50 User Role Definitions Interim Assessment Administrator Only –Administers only the interim assessments to students. Includes access to Interim Assessment completion status reports in the ORS and the Interim Assessment Hand Scoring System. (Note: Access to Interim Assessment results are available through the Interim Assessment Reporting System logon.)
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 51 User Role Definitions Educator – District –Allows read-only access to assessment results in the ORS for the entire LEA. This role can only assigned by the LEA CAASPP coordinator. Educator – Test Site –Allows read-only access to assessment results in the ORS for the entire school.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 52 User Role Definitions Educator – Roster –Allows read-only access to assessment results for students in an associated roster in the ORS. Rosters are created and assigned to the user by the LEA CAASPP coordinator or test site coordinator.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 53 Adding and Managing Users Enter the following information for the user being added: –First name –Last name – address –Phone number –Fax number (optional) –Add user role
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 54 Adding and Managing Users
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 55 Adding and Managing Users LEA CAASPP coordinators and CAASPP test site coordinators also have the option to upload TOMS users via bulk upload of a file in.csv format. LEA CAASPP coordinators can obtain a file that contains 2014–15 TOMS users by contacting CalTAC.
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 56 Adding and Managing Users Edit the File of Past Users –If you received a.csv file of users of the 2014–15 version of TOMS in an from CalTAC, you can manually add and delete users from it and then upload it into TOMS. –Complete instructions for adding users to TOMS is available at users.html. users.html
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 57 Adding and Managing Users
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 58 Adding and Managing Users
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 59 Resetting a Password
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 60 Resetting a Password Search for user –First Name –Last name – Reset Password Deactivate LEA CAASPP coordinators and site coordinators have access to change passwords
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Live Demonstration
Measuring the Power of Learning.™ Questions
TOMS Test Administration and User Setup 63 Help Desk Support The California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) is there to support all LEA CAASPP coordinators! Available Monday – Friday from 7 a.m.– 5 p.m. PT Phone: Web site: