8.4 – Band Manager Spreadsheets Mr Farmer
Lesson 3 - Starter Wiki > Year 8 > Band Manager > Lesson 3 Click the link Read > Scatter > Test 10 mins
Lesson Objectives Develop a spreadsheet model by adding additional columns. Use absolute cell referencing to calculate VAT.
VAT What is VAT? In pairs, use the Internet to find out what VAT means and then tell me in your own words on the wall. Add the link to the website you used. You will need to explain what it is so don’t just copy and paste! 5 mins
Absolute Cell Reference? What is an absolute cell reference and where would we use it? Google Define C4 or $C$4 5 mins
Calculating VAT Save and open the Calculating VAT spreadsheet from the wikiCalculating VAT I will show you how and then you will need to use the help PowerPoint (on the wiki) 15 mins
Homework Chart Toppers Worksheet – On the wiki
Plenary s/gcsebitesize/ict/quizengine?quiz=sp readsheets;templateStyle=ict s/gcsebitesize/ict/quizengine?quiz=sp readsheets;templateStyle=ict