Conflicts The central issue that makes a story move along –Novel: multiple conflicts –Short story: one conflict (usually) Internal: inside character’s mind External: man versus something besides himself
Man Vs. Self INTERNAL Central to character, must be resolved by character alone Struggle with one of following: –Morality –Fate –Desire –Belief DISNEY EXAMPLE: Should Ariel (Little Mermaid) leave her world for a man? Is it worth it?
Man Vs. Man EXTERNAL Character struggles against another character –Moral, religious, social Conflict can be emotional, verbal, or physical DISNEY EXAMPLE: Woody vs. Buzz Lightyear; Peter Pan vs. Captain Hook
Man Vs. Nature EXTERNAL Man finds himself at odds with force of nature –Struck by lightening –Capsized boat –Hypothermia MOVIE EXAMPLE: Castaway; Into the Wild; Mogli in The Jungle Book?
Man Vs. Society EXTERNAL Man struggles against values of culture/government –Battle vs. evil, oppressive culture Society = antagonist (a character in itself!) DISNEY EXAMPLE: Brave (Merida doesn’t want to be a princess); Happy Feet (can’t sing, but can dance)
Man Vs. Fate EXTERNAL Character is compelled to follow an unknown destiny Creates internal conflict (man vs. self) MOVIE EXAMPLE: Harry Potter as the chosen one. The Matrix (Neo). Any movie with a “prophecy.”
Name The Conflict:
Name the Conflict: