London Schools Excellence Fund Developing teachers’ mathematics subject knowledge in early years settings and primary schools to improve the attainment of all pupils Liz Woodham, NRICH Project & Michael Hall, Open University
London Schools Excellence Fund Day 5 – 9 October 2014 Led by Lynne McClure, Director of NRICH Welcome Fluency and reasoning By engaging with tasks from the NRICH website, we will unpick what we mean by fluency and reasoning (which are the focus of the first two aims of the new National Curriculum), and consider how we can support children in becoming more fluent and being better able to reason mathematically Break Problem solving This session will focus on how to embed problem solving (the third aim of the new National Curriculum) into our everyday practice using resources from NRICH Lunch Split session Lynne will lead this session for the Maths Working Group while Liz leads the main group session Games are more than fillers By playing a variety of mathematical games, we will discuss their value in the classroom for a range of purposes Reflection
London Schools Excellence Fund Project aims To strengthen teacher MSK and teacher MPK To demonstrate the power of collaborative development focused on MSK, MPK and improving pupil attainment To facilitate deep understanding of the principles underlying the mathematics curriculum To embed high quality teaching materials into the curriculum To develop self-sustaining structures through collaborative, peer-led development within schools and school-to-school
London Schools Excellence Fund In between face-to-face days … Don’t forget
London Schools Excellence Fund Common themes from mathematical needs identified on day 1 The following were flagged up by at least two schools: Fractions/decimals/percentages Problem solving Place value Time Algebra Word problems Application of calculation strategies Subtraction
London Schools Excellence Fund Today … Register Pupil questionnaire Books
London Schools Excellence Fund Liz Woodham Michael Hall