Personnel (HRD) Management In The Selling Field
Job Analysis
SALES FORCE MANAGEMENT Economics of Effective Sales Force Management Rates of Sales Personnel Turnover
Cause by Turnover of Sales Personnel Caused by Actions Controllable by company Caused by Actions Not Controllable by company Poor recruiting Improper selection and assignment Training deficiencies Inadequate supervision and motivation Breakdown in communication Unsatisfactory performance customer complaints, etc. Discharged for cause, e.g.; alcoholism, conviction of a felony, dishonesty, etc. Cutbacks in personnel Transfer to another department Promotion to a higher position Retirement Death Illness or physical disability Personal and material difficulties Dislike for the job-travel, type of work, working condition, etc. Military duty Better position elsewhere.
Procedure for Sales Job Analysis and preparation of Written job Descriptions ASSEMBLE FACTUAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE JOB: Clarity reporting relationships by questionship salespersons and those to whom they report. Prepare a questionnaire for sales personnel, asking them to list the job objectives, together with the major duties and what is involved in performing them, in doing the job effectively. Prior to receipt of the complete questionnaires, have sales executives and other executives interested in sales activities write down their conceptions of the sales person’s job objectives, the sales person’s responsibilities, and the, duties they feel the salesperson should not perform. Survey customers to find out what they believe should and should not be the functions of a company salesperson.
ANALYZE THE INFORMATION GATHERED: Tabulate the information received. Reconcile differences revealed by the three viewpoints, write a concise statement of job objectives, and prepare a detailed list of duties that sales personnel are to perform. Classify the duties into major responsibility grouping, such as sales, service, territory management, sales promotion, executive, and goodwill duties.
WRITE THE JOB DESCRIPTION; Put the reporting relationships in writing. Add the concise statement of job objectives. Insert the detailed information on duties and responsibilities. Develop a written statement of job performance measures.
As required, repeat the first three steps when changes in markets, customers’ requirements, products, competition, the economic climate, and so forth require a review of job objectives, job objectives, job duties and responsibilities, and/or performance measures.
Checklist for Compiling “Duties” and Responsibilities” Section of Sales Job Description Make regular calls Sell the line; demonstrate. Handle questions and objections. Check stock; discover possible product uses . Interpret sales points of the line to the customer. Esimate customer’s potential needs. Emphasize quality. Explain company policy on price, delivery, and credit. Get the Order.
Install the product or display. Service : Install the product or display. Report product weakness, complaints. Handle adjustments, returns, and allowances. Handle requests for credit Handle special orders. Establish priorities, if any. Analyze local conditions for customers.
Territory Management Arrange route for best coverage. Balance effort with customer against the potential volume. Maintain sales portfolios, samples, kits and so forth.
Sales Promotion: Develop new prospects and accounts. Distribute home office literature, catalogues, and the like. Make calls with customer’s sales people.
Present survey reports, layouts, and proposals. Train personnel of wholesalers, jobbers, and so on. Present survey reports, layouts, and proposals.
Executive : Each night make a daily work plan for the next day. Organize filed activity for minimum calls. Prepare and submit statistical data requested by home office. Investigate lost sales and reason for loss.
Attend sales meetings. Build a prospect list. Collect credit information Prepare reports on developments, trends, new objectives met, and new ideas on meeting objections.
Goodwill : Maintain loyalty and respect for the company Counsel customers on their problems. Maintain loyalty and respect for the company Attend local sales meetings held by customers.
Recruiting Sales Personnel
Organization for recruiting and selection Source of Sales Recruits Recruiting Source Evaluation
Source Within the Company Company sales personnel. Company executives. Internal transfer Source Outside the company
Employment agencies Sales people making calls on the company Employees of customers. Sales executives’ clubs.
Sales forces of noncompeting companies. Sales forces of competing companies. Educational institutions. Older persons.
The Recruiting Effort Personal Recruiting College recruiting. Recruiting direct – to – customer sales personnel.
Recruiting consultants. Indirect Recruiting Recruiting Brochures
Selecting Sales Personnel
A Selection System Reject Relative Degree of helpfulness Expenses Time Employer offer A Selection System Physical Examination Testing References & credit check Relative Degree of helpfulness Expenses Interview Formal Application Preliminary Interview & Pre-Interview Reject Time