Shoveling tweets: An analysis of the microblogging engagement of traditional news organizations Marcus Messner Maureen Linke Asriel Eford School of Mass Communications Virginia Commonwealth University International Symposium on Online Journalism April 1, 2011
Rationale Online social networks and social bookmarking allow traditional news media to increase Web traffic Promote news content (hyperlinks) Breaking news coverage Building and engaging community Goal of study was to explore the adoption rate of Twitter by traditional news media in the U.S.
Rise of Twitter 5-year anniversary: 200 million users 7th most popular website in U.S. 11% of Internet users every day International impact in news events Citizen journalists vs. traditional journalists Traditional news media buzz Social bookmarking
Research Questions RQ1: Adoption of social bookmarking for Twitter? RQ2: Difference in adoption of social bookmarking for Twitter and other social networking sites? RQ3: Difference among traditional news media in use of social bookmarking? RQ4: Traditional news media use of Twitter? RQ5: Difference among traditional news media in use of Twitter?
Methodology Two-study approach Social bookmarking Twitter use Social bookmarking Sample: Top 99 newspapers and top 100 TV stations in the United States March 25-26, 2009 & August 1-2, 2010 Analysis of lead story by bookmarking tools Analysis of Twitter accounts and followers
Methodology Twitter use Analysis of newspapers and TV stations with Twitter accounts: 180 in 2009, 198 in 2010 April 4-5, 2009 & August 1-2, 2010 Analysis of tweets - Number of tweets (2009: 1568; 2010: 1112) - News value - Hyperlinks (internal/external)
Results: Bookmarking RQ1: Adoption of social bookmarking for Twitter? 2009: 36.7% (n=73) 2010: 91.7% (n=182)
Results: Bookmarking RQ2: Difference in adoption of social bookmarking for Twitter and other social networking sites? 2009/2010: 100% (n=199) 2009: 96.5% (n=192) Social bookmarking 2010: 98.5% (n=196) Social bookmarking 2009: Ø 16 tools 2010: Ø 110 tools
Results: Bookmarking RQ2: Difference in adoption of social bookmarking for Twitter and other social networking sites? FacebookMySpaceTwitter % (n=167)38.2% (n=76)36.7% (n=73) % (n=194)59.8% (n=119)91.5% (n=182)
Results: Bookmarking RQ3: Difference among traditional news media in use of social bookmarking? Television: More tools in FacebookMySpaceTwitter Newspaper86.9% (n=86)41.4 % (n=41)44.4% (n=44) Television81.0% (n=81)35.0% (n=35)29.0% (n=29) Total 83.9% (n=167)38.2% (n=76)36.7% (n=73) 2010 FacebookMySpaceTwitter Newspaper94.9% (n=94)52.5% (n=52)88.9% (n=88) Television100% (n=100)67.0% (n=67)94.0% (n=94) Total97.5% (n=194)59.8% (n=119)91.5% (n=182)
Results: Twitter Use RQ4: Traditional news media use of Twitter? 2009: 90.5% (n=180) have accounts 2010: 99.5% (n=198) have accounts 2009: Ø 8.7 daily tweets (max: 110) 2010: Ø 5.6 daily tweets (max: 96) 2009: 34.4% (n=62) did not tweet 2010: 26.3% (n=52) did not tweet
Results: Twitter Use RQ4: Traditional news media use of Twitter? 2009: 94.3% (n=1478) tweets news related, 5.7% (n=90) personal 2010: 96.5% (n=1073) tweets news related, 3.5% (n=39) personal
Results: Twitter Use RQ4: Traditional news media use of Twitter? 2009: 93% (n=1458) of tweets had hyperlinks 2010: 95.5% (n=1062) of tweets had hyperlinks 2009: 98.5% (n=1438) internal links 2010: 99.3% (n=1055) internal links 13
Results: Twitter Use RQ5: Difference among traditional news media in use of Twitter? Similar trends for adoption of Twitter: Very similar trends for news value of tweets, hyperlinks 2010: Television increased number of tweets Newspapers90.9% (n=90)100% (n=99) Television90.0% (n=90)99.0% (n=99) Total90.5% (n=180)99.5% (n=198)
Discussion Twitter is fully adopted by traditional news media, but not used to its full potential Mainly used as a promotional tool with extensive internal linking Most tweets are still shovelware Little online community building and engagement Disconnect between Twitter adoption and social bookmarking availability
What to do? More attention needs to be paid to community building Twitter needs to be engaged as an online social network, not just another publication platform Regular engagement, even with shovelware Future research: Long-term study and Twitter use of reporters
Questions Marcus Messner Maureen Linke Asriel Eford School of Mass Communications Virginia Commonwealth University International Symposium on Online Journalism April 1, 2011