X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 1 The next three years London Funders Research and Evaluation Network Tris Lumley and Cecilie Hestbaek, NPC 3 December 2015
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT AGENDA 2 1 Introduction and revisiting the background of Inspiring Impact 10 mins 2 How are we doing so far? 5 mins 3 The next three years + Q&A 15 mins 4 Discussion 40 mins
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT Inspiring Impact Northern Ireland Evaluation Services Scotland BACKGROUND 3 Inspiring Impact is a 10-year UK-wide programme that aims to make good impact practice the norm for charities and social enterprises by This means: Encouraging more organisations to plan and measure their social impact Use the data they collect to increase their impact Share what they learn with the rest of the sector to ensure every pound spent makes the greatest possible difference to people’s lives Outside England NCVO CES Substance NPC ACF The partnership and work strands
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT MOST POPULAR RESOURCES 4 Guides The Code of Good Impact Practice sets out a cycle of impact practice and eight high level principles to follow, along with practical guidance to help charities and social enterprises implement it. Funders’ Principles and Drivers of Impact Practice is designed to encourage improvement in impact practice by offering practical and useful guidance for funders on understanding, measuring and increasing their own impact, and supporting their grantees and investees to do the same. Online resources Measuring Up! is an online, step-by-step self-assessment tool that gives you an accurate and detailed picture of where your impact practice is going well, and where it could be improved. The Impact Hub is a one-stop shop for impact resources and tools. Users can filter by category, sector, format or cost and/or search keywords, individual resource names or features, while resource providers can add new listings. Inspiring Impact offers a wealth of free resources to help you improve your impact practice. This includes step-by step guides to impact measurement, and over 200 measurement tools.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT REACH—DETAILED 5 Figure (rounded) Change over last 12 months Description Building a network 289,882106% Page views / website hits since our new site launched in June ,27485%Number of website users (unique visits) since launch 1,700 17% Supporters signed up to our network, via our website 1,850 33% Twitter followers 76330% LinkedIn group members Providing resources 7,156174% Downloads of the Code of Good Impact Practice since it launched 3, % Downloads of the Funders’ Principles in since it launched 18, % Views of the Measuring Up! web page 1,768 53% People signed up to Measuring Up! 15,426202%Views of the Impact Hub web page Inspiring Impact has spent three years building up a wealth of free resources to make impact practice easier and cheaper for charities, social enterprises and funders. Our main focus now is to ensure that all these organisations are aware of the resources so they can access them if relevant. The output statistics in the table below gives an indication of the extent to which our most popular resources are being used.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT TRENDS IN REACH 6 The Inspiring Impact theory of change depends heavily on reach. Online presence is the key way that we engage with organisations, and so it is important for us to monitor outputs such as the number of visitors to our site and followers on social media. We look at trends since the programme launched, and use the historical output data to plan future work to increase reach. Although our online reach continues to grow steadily, we know that outside the big urban centres, we still need to improve our reach. This is one of the things we aim to address in Inspiring Impact year 4-7, and through our new sector partners we will get an opportunity to reach a much wider audience. Website hits since launchNetwork since launch
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT THE NEXT THREE YEARS In August 2015, thanks to a £600,000 grant over three years from the Big Lottery Fund, Inspiring Impact embarked on year four of the programme The new, and larger, grant will support us in our scaled-up ambitions: – we will focus on ensuring that everyone who can benefit from these resources is aware of them and has support to use them. This means significantly expanding our reach and the uptake of our resources, but also developing ways for small organisations to get tailored support to use Inspiring Impact’s site We will do this through continuing to run our five core strands of work but, in addition to that, also develop – a network of organisations dedicated to improving impact practice in their sector: the Impact Champions – The most committed and ambitious Impact Champions have a chance to become sub-sector partners: we want large organisations who have good impact practice to help smaller charities and social enterprises in their sector (ie, disability or mental health) to improve the way they collect and use impact data 7 Network partners, including Impact Champions Impact Champions: Champion the vision of Inspiring Impact and are committed to measuring their own impact, with strong buy-in from the organisation’s leadership. Sub-sector partners: Key organisations in for example youth, mental health or sport who are willing to take on an active role as our link in the sector and develop impact practice projects
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT CONSULTATION EVENT On 17 November 2015 we invited our network to a consultation event to get their thoughts and ideas on how Inspiring Impact should look like in the future. We talked about our ambitions for the next three years, and in small groups discussed the following themes: How Inspiring Impact can expand its reach How we can tailor support by sub-sectors and embed the programme within these How charities—large and small—can collaborate to achieve this. We were keen to get the input from everyone interested, not just those at the event, so we also set up an online survey and shared the link on social media and in an extra mail-out to our over 3000 newsletter sign-ups. The write-up of the discussion and the survey responses will be published on Inspiring Impact’s website shortly. The recommendations will feed into Inspiring Impact’s board meeting on 10 December. 8 Inspiring Impact - title of the document (can be changed under view/header and footer. Add date here
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT DISCUSSION How can Inspiring Impact improve its reach to small, local charities so more of them are aware of the help they can get from our resources, and have capacity and skills to access and use them? – Do funders have a role in this? How can funders engage with, support, and get support from Inspiring Impact's sub-sector and impact champions work in the next three years? 9 Inspiring Impact - title of the document (can be changed under view/header and footer. Add date here
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT v THANK YOU Any questions? London, November 2015 NPC - title of the document (can be changed under view/header and footer. Add date here if needed.10
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT APPENDIX Sported sub-sector partnership (with NPC as II delivery partner)
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 12 Build on Inspiring Impact resources. Convene 8-10 organisations F2F = Peer Learning Group Identify 10 organisations appropriate for intensive coaching and peer learning pilot. Start with a face-to-face workshop to build relationships and engagement. Develop and test learning resources. ? SPORTED SUB-SECTOR PARTNERSHIP Peers Coach
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 13 Build on Inspiring Impact resources. Convene 8-10 organisations F2F = Peer Learning Group Provide intensive coaching support. Migrate group online. Develop and test online tools. SPORTED SUB-SECTOR PARTNERSHIP Migrate the group online. Coach provides ongoing intensive support, and develops further learning materials. Through this, develop an approach to support peer learning and maintain engagement.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 14 Build on Inspiring Impact resources. Convene 8-10 organisations F2F = Peer Learning Group Provide intensive coaching support. Migrate group online. Develop and test online tools. Promote e-learning platform to membership. Incentivise engagement. SPORTED SUB-SECTOR PARTNERSHIP Communications to launch and raise awareness of the online learning resource. Encourage use of resources and peer- to-peer contact. Motivate and incentivise usage, offering workshops as a ‘carrot’.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 15 Build on Inspiring Impact resources. Convene 8-10 organisations F2F = Peer Learning Group Offer light-touch support. Create regional peer learning and coaching hubs. Provide intensive coaching support. Migrate group online. Develop and test online tools. Promote e-learning platform to membership. Incentivise engagement. SPORTED SUB-SECTOR PARTNERSHIP Lighter-touch forms of support available to those who sign up. This lighter ‘coach’ role could either be managed centrally, or through regional hubs.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 16 Build on Inspiring Impact resources. Convene 8-10 organisations F2F = Peer Learning Group Offer light-touch support. Create regional peer learning and coaching hubs. Provide intensive coaching support. Migrate group online. Develop and test online tools. Promote e-learning platform to membership. Incentivise engagement. Hold regional workshops to share good practice and encourage peers. SPORTED SUB-SECTOR PARTNERSHIP ? Hold 7-10 regional workshops for members who have engaged with the resources. Get feedback on the use of the e- learning resources; encourage -peer contact; and offer advice to members on specific challenges.
X AXIS LOWER LIMIT UPPER LIMIT CHART TOP Y AXIS LIMIT 17 What works/ why when tailoring Inspiring Impact resources to a sub-sector How to modify learning tools for organisations of varying capacity, ambition, activity The role of coaches in convening peers, supporting and maintaining engagement. Where/ when are they most useful Whether the coach role and the peer-to-peer elements work well together, and which is most important to users Which approaches to incentivising engagement with resources and evaluation practice work, if any How online and offline approaches work best together LESSONS FOR INSPIRING IMPACT