Malawi Scotland Partnership (MaSP) 2015 North Cluster Meeting 27/10/15
A non-governmental, independent, charitable membership organisation.This includes small, medium and large sized CSOs and both local and international. Born from Strathclyde University's 'Malawi Millennium Project' in early 2004in Scotland in On 3 rd November 2005, a cooperation agreement between Malawi and Scotland signed by two presidents of the countries-Lord Mc Connell,Bingu Mutharika MaSP got registered in Malawi in 2006 Who are we?
MaSP exists to support and develop Malawi’s many civil society links with Scotland. Inspire the people and organisations of Malawi to be involved with Scotland in an informed, coordinated and effective way for the benefit of both nations and reduce duplication of efforts Why we are there
MaSP is governed by a ten member local Board of Directors who are also Trustees of the organization MaSP has six members of staff who include 5 full time and 1 part-time: -National Coordinator,Programmes Officer,Finance Manager (Part-time),Finance Associate -Communication and Resource Centre Assistant (Blantyre) - Communication and Resource Centre Assistant (Mzuzu) MaSP Governance
Works with its members to implement various projects in four sectors namely; education, health, civic society and governance as well as sustainable economic development. These form the four strands representing pillars of the Malawi and Scottish governments agreement, each Strand, has a Government point person. MaSP coordinate strand meetings on behalf of Mw and SG Govt with implementing organisations under SG presenting projects progress Organises Annual National Symposiums Organise regional and cluster coordination meetings for all Has CRCs in Blantyre and Mzuzu How we work
Operates school partnerships Dr David Livingstone Masters Scholarship program Member capacity building Supporting networks How we work
An ordinary Board meeting took place on 11 th April, 2015 at Kamuzu College of Nursing in Lilongwe. Hosted First Minister of Scotland, Lord Jack McConnell at Crossroads Hotel on 22 nd May.35 member organizations were in attendance. The meeting wanted to establish: Important activities Done
The development of the Malawi Scotland Partnership organisation and how they feel relations are between the Malawi Scotland and Scotland Malawi Partnership. The general situation in Malawi following the election last year and floods earlier in April Important activities Done
The Secretariat led by Director Tione Kaonga held a meeting with the South Cluster Executive members in Blantyre on 13 th May to resolve disagreements that arose in the Cluster about Mission rabies campaign and how it was handled. Important activities Done
Hosted Ian Nicol from the Scottish Government on 18 th August. Ian is a Programme Manager for Malawi and Zambia in the Scottish Government’s Department for International Development. Was interested in the level of MaSP funding Important activities Done
During the period, a total of 12 bulletins have been sent out to members Below are the recordings on both the website and Facebook and Twitter as at 30 September 2015 Website: 9220 Facebook: 1016 Twitter:200 followers How many visit the above social networks Social Media
Membership currently at 312 members 20 th October Luncheon with Scottish Minister for International Development Humza Yousaf 18 October Meeting with DFID Governance meeting Membership survey. Have we done the survey? Funding opportunities advertised are we applying Others
Secretariat negotiating with Scottish Government for a possible funds increment to conduct trainings- Granted Attempted a GPSA proposal bid but failed to send due to Technicalities Negotiating with SMP for provision of Daily News Papers in CRC from exchange gains. Secretariat joined Policy TWG of REIAMA Exploring how we can impact on Climate Change issues Others
To Increase Internet band width Funding was very restricted-Crucial activities forgone. Other clusters not active Recognition by notable institutions i.e. DFID governance team visited MaSP on Hosted Scottish minister for international affairs Humza Yousaf for interactive luncheon on Success/Challenges