LEA Transportation Funding DPI Transportation Services Derek Graham, Section Chief
Agenda Estimating Transportation Allotment for TIMS Service Indicators Routing strategies / review of applicable laws and policies
Estimating Transportation Allotment for What you will need: – transportation funding information sheet dated November 27, 2008 –Number of buses operated –Student Count, October 2008 –Expenditure Information –Budget Rating Simulator Software
PRC 56 Allotment (Transportation) Funding Base Reduction for fuel costs Multiply by Budget Rating Reduction for legislative cuts Increase for higher ADM
ADM increase Most LEAs will not see an ADM increase for because an increase in enrollment may be offset by a decrease in the Kindergarten class, resulting from the change in the applicable birth date for enrollment For those that will have a projected increase, a 1.6% increase (for example) will result in a 1.6%$ allotment increase
Funding Base = Total Eligible State and Local Expenditures (PRC 56) for Start with line 1 (1a+1b) of your transportation info from Nov. 27, Add additional funds for ADM increase (line 9) 3.Add additional funds for salary increases (line 10) 4.Subtract Line 12a to reduce fuel from $2.90 ( actual) to $2.40 ( allotted) 5.Subtract: Multiply Line 12a by 0.7 to reduce fuel from $2.40 to $2.05 for
CALCULATE SIMULATOR RATING 1.Update Number of Students Transported from TD-2, October Update Number of Buses Operated for 91+ Days, 2008 – Update State Expenditures from 2008 – Total Eligible State Expenditures , PRC 56 2.Add State Funds that would have been spent if no freeze 3.Add Total Eligible Local Expenditures, PRC 56 (to be reported on TD-1) 4.Subtract Local Expenditures spent only because of freeze 5.Add Fuel Offset Due to Falling Fuel Prices ===>Multiply Line 12a by DIVIDE ALL EXPENDITURES BY 2 FOR SIMULATOR
Estimate Transportation Funding Funding base for x Simulator Rating (-) Legislative Cut (+) ADM Increase (if applicable) ( )Salary/Benefits Adjustments = Estimated Transportation Funding for
TIMS Service Indicators Developed by the TIMS project staff Rob Hamby, UNCC Urban Institute Statewide Data for LEA Planning Indication of compliance - TIMS
A Guide to Better Compliance with North Carolina State Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Policies and Laws Governing Bus Routing and Scheduling
TIMS A helpful tool in times of budget cuts.
SUMMARY ** There will be a statewide budget cut ** There likely will not be enough funding for full reimbursement of early college ** There likely will not be additional state funding if fuel rises above $2.058 per gallon ** Efficiency measures are in order ** Student Safety is ALWAYS in order
LEA Transportation Funding DPI Transportation Services Derek Graham, Section Chief