Section 4.3: Performing Arts/Civic Centres vs. Arts Venues in General
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 2 Brisbane Metro Performing Arts Centres - Perceptions of Attendees Q: Thinking back to when you went to [VENUE] can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Attended last 12 months POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES More Negative More Positive More Negative Those Interested in and Disinclined who attended the relevant performing arts centre rated performance on almost every attribute close to the average level. However, those who had attended were significantly more likely to state that they were not sure what to do or where to go upon arrival at this type of venue compared to other Brisbane venues. This may be related to the relatively lower attendance levels for this type of venue. OVERALL SATISFACTION +ve Attributes Higher # = Better - ve Attributes Lower # = Better
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 3 Brisbane Metro Performing Arts Centres - Perceptions of Non-Attendees Q: Can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Aware of venue, but haven’t attended last 12 months MORE POSITIVEMORE NEGATVE Across the sample, the perceptions most strongly agreed with were that Brisbane arts venues are difficult to get to and from, that they were expensive and that programming is not relevant. In comparison to the average, respondents in Brisbane were significantly more likely to feel that a Performing arts centre would be expensive.
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 4 Q: Thinking back to when you went to [VENUE] can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Attended last 12 months POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES More Negative More Positive More Negative On average overall satisfaction with the entire experience at Regional civic centres was significantly more positive than overall satisfaction with regional venues generally. There was also a significantly more positive perception of helpful and approachable staff at civic centres compared to regional venues as a whole. Meanwhile, transport issues were significantly less of a barrier for regional civic centres than other regional venues. OVERALL SATISFACTION +ve Attributes Higher # = Better - ve Attributes Lower # = Better Regional Performing Arts/Civic Centres - Perceptions of Attendees
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 5 Regional Performing Arts/Civic Centres - Perceptions of Non-Attendees Q: Can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Aware of venue, but haven’t attended last 12 months There is a significantly stronger perception that, despite looking, there is never anything interesting at regional civic centres when compared to other regional arts venues. There is also a significantly stronger perception that regional civic centres are more expensive than other regional arts venues. MORE POSITIVEMORE NEGATVE
Section 4.3: Art Galleries vs. Arts Venues in General
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 7 Brisbane Metro - Art Galleries - Perceptions of Attendees BRISBANE ART GALLERIES POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES More Negative More Positive More Negative Overall satisfaction among those who had attended a Brisbane Art Gallery was significantly higher than other Brisbane arts venues. There was also significantly stronger agreement that there were helpful and approachable staff and quality facilities than for other Brisbane Metro arts venues. OVERALL SATISFACTION +ve Attributes Higher # = Better - ve Attributes Lower # = Better
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 8 Regional Art Galleries - Experience of Attendees Q: Thinking back to when you went to [VENUE] can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Attended last 12 months POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES More Negative More Positive More Negative There was no statistical difference in the experience of regional art galleries compared to the average for other regional arts venues. OVERALL SATISFACTION +ve Attributes Higher # = Better - ve Attributes Lower # = Better
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 9 BRISBANE - ART GALLERIES Among those who have not attended this venue type over the last year, there is significantly higher awareness of it’s location, than there is of other Arts venues in Brisbane. An Art Gallery is also significantly less likely to be perceived as expensive compared to the other arts venues in Brisbane. There is, however, a stronger perception that respondents’ friends/family wouldn’t attend with them, that they are not they type of person who goes to an Art Gallery and that they don’t know much about the shows / events there, compared to other arts venues in Brisbane. MORE POSITIVEMORE NEGATVE Q: Can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Aware of venue, but haven’t attended last 12 months Brisbane Metro - Art Galleries - Perceptions of Non-Attendees
Participation in the Arts Research, 2006Page 10 Regional Art Galleries – Perceptions of Non-Attendees Q: Can you tell me how much you agree or disagree with the following statements? BASE: Aware of venue, but haven’t attended last 12 months Across both segments in regional areas, there was significantly less agreement with the statement that “I look, but never see anything interesting (at the Art Gallery)” when compared to other regional arts venues. However, there is a perception that regional art galleries are less child friendly than other regional arts venues. MORE POSITIVEMORE NEGATVE