Start Up – Top ½ Thinking back on the Chicano Movement…what Civic Action Strategies did people in this movement use to create change? (list 6+) ex. Organizing a march 2.Throughout this year, while looking at grassroots movements, we’ve talked about many strategies for civic action…so what can we add to this list? (How many more can we add?)
Watch Kony Answer on Page How does Director, Jason Russell, explain Joseph Kony to his three-year-old son? 2.What details could you add to this that may not be appropriate to tell a child, but are important to tell a fellow youth or adult? 3.What does LRA stand for? 4.Why did the U.S. government (representatives) say (10 years ago) it was impossible for the U.S. government to get involved in Uganda? 5.What type of power do celebrities have? And what type of power do policy makers have? What type of power do the people involved with this campaign have?
REFLECTION – Bottom ½ 154 What strategies can we add to our list of Civic Action Strategies used by these youth activists turned professional film makers? (how many can we add?)