Views of Solids Geometry D
Sketching the views of the solid. First, use blocks to construct a similar solid to the one shown at the left.
Sketch the view of the solid on 3d paper
Sketch the right side view on 2d paper.
Sketch the front view on 2d paper.
Sketch the left side view on 2d paper.
Sketch the back view on 2d paper.
Sketch the top view on 2d paper.
Sketching the views of the solid. Try this one on your own! Use blocks to construct a similar solid.
Sketch the 3d corner view.
Sketch the right side view.
Sketch the front view.
Sketch the left side view.
Sketch the back view.
Sketch the top view.
Given each view: Use the blocks to make the solid Draw the 3d corner view of the solid
Practice #1 Views: TopFront RightLeft
Practice #1 Corner View
Polyhedrons Pyramid Prism Cone Sphere Cylinder