W HAT IS AN E NGINEERING N OTEBOOK ? An engineering notebook is a bound book that contains the ideas of its author, along with all notes, data, observations, calculations, and other information relevant to the discovery or experiment being conducted. It provides an important record of an engineer or inventor's work. When properly maintained, it may be submitted as a legal document for patent purposes or legal records.engineeringpatent
P URPOSE OF E NGINEERING N OTEBOOK The purpose of an engineering notebook is to offer a time-sequential written documentation of the efforts of its author on a project. It is the equivalent of a technical diary and has many functions.diary Similar to an interactive notebook
S ETTING UP YOUR ENGINEERING NOTEBOOK Step 1: You should have 3 pages (front and back) for the table of contents Step 2: You should have 2 sample entry notebook pages (front and back) Step 3: You should have pages of engineering notebook entry sheets
R ECORDING I NFORMATION IN N OTEBOOK The Table of Contents include assignments completed in class and placed in notebook. 1 st entry -would be August 24- Straw Tower Activity, record grade 2 nd entry- Basic Sketching Techniques-August 25(Building, Home, Streets) 3 rd entry-Standing Strong Activity (Tension and Compression)-August 26
R ECORDING I NFORMATION IN N OTEBOOK 4 th entry- Building 3D models using real-life scenarios (Play Zone Activity) -August 30 5 th entry-Building 3D models using real-life scenarios Part 2 (Sea Breeze Activity)