The Savanna
Average Rainfall TTTThe average rainfall is inches a year.
Average Temperature The average temperature of the savanna is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Problems facing the savanna Too much or too little rainfall and a disease called riderpest. It comes from cattle and is killing all the wildebeest.
Animals that live in the Savanna The hyena, lion, wildebeest, and impala. The hyena is like a shaggy dog. The lion is a large wild cat and males have manes. Wildebeest are like cattle with curved horns and dark fur. The impala is a relative of the deer and has black antlers.
Plants of the Savanna Red Oat Grass is a tough plant that grows 3ft high. The Baobab tree is fire and drought resistant. The Acacia tree is the most commonly found tree in Africa. The rabbit tail fountain grass looks like a rabbits tail.
Tribes in the savanna The Dorobo, the Maasai, and Kikuyu. The Dorobo are still hunter- gatherers. The Kikuyu were originally farmers. The Maasai were the best dressed of all.
Countries in the savanna Inside the savanna are Tanzania and Kenya.
Meal for all tribes eat Iro is a food all of the tribes eat. It is potatoes and green beans mixed together.
Topography of the savanna TTTThe savanna is a flat plain with a few hills. The savanna is famous for its wildebeest migration.
Climate in the savanna TTTThe average climate is 60 to 87 degrees Fahrenheit.