Think for a moment of the oral traditions in your own culture. When you were younger, did you learn nursery rhymes from your family or friends? –How about sayings such as “A penny saved is a penny earned? List some sayings that you have heard from your parents, grandparents or other relatives
West African Culture I can examine the importance of written and oral traditions in teaching and preserving African history and culture.
Learning Objective I can examine the importance of written and oral traditions in teaching and preserving African history and culture.
Why do people tell stories? Every human culture in the world has created stories as a way of making sense of the world. –Sharing the human experience - to express or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, and information. –Passing on tradition and culture - (e.g., storytelling, folktales, myths and legends) –Recreational drama for entertainment
West African Culture Its culture is very diverse and includes: –Poems, stories, music and visual arts One important cultural feature was its oral traditions – memorized stories, sayings, and the history of your city or town.
West African Storytelling Africans love a good story and a good storyteller. They are primarily an oral people and created to be performed with music and dance. Histories and stories of a people that come to us in a spoken and sung form are part of what is called an oral tradition. Because people hold the oral tradition in their memory, sometimes the story changes with the telling. Have you ever played telephone?
Video Modern day griot explains ancient storytelling tradition N0kAc What problems may result from keeping history only in oral form?
What is a Griot? A griot is a West African storyteller-musician. A griot doesn’t just tell stories. They typically accompany themselves on a stringed instrument. They still play an important role today—to tell people about the past, to keep their history alive, and to safeguard their traditional culture. They sing the history of a tribe or family at weddings, naming ceremonies, and other social and religious occasions. (you were listening to a griot playing and singing)
Griot (storyteller)
What are some popular forms of telling stories in our culture today? Books Movies Television shows Plays Broadway musicals YouTube videos Magazines
Masks Masks were carved to resemble animals (hyenas, lions, monkeys) Masks were worn during special occasions or rituals
Cloth and Clothing Kente – a hand- woven brightly colored fabric Woven into long strips which were then sewn together to create fabric Worn on special occasions