Cubist Photography Pablo Picasso to David Hockney
Cubism 20 th century movement and first abstract movement Most famous artists were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque Challenged conventional forms of representation such as perspective Wanted to create a new, modern way of seeing
David Hockney British painter, printmaker, photographer, and stage designer Was extremely important in the Pop Art movement of the 1960s Considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20 th century Known for his photo collages that liked much like Cubist painting
Other Examples
Assignment Now you are going to create your own cubist work! You will need to take at least 25 photos and then print 5-8 to arrange them in your own cubist photo collage.
Things to remember Take photos from multiple angles. Get close to your subject! Don’t be afraid to be close, you will need these close ups for your project. Don’t just shot straight on. Move around your subject. Get above, below and to the sides. Get creative!
Practice Activity Before we start on your own Cubist Collage, we are going to be working on a Celebrity Collage in class.