Cubist Collage and PICASSO!
What do we already know about Pablo Picasso?
What is a collage?
Collage was first used as an artists’ technique in the twentieth century by Pablo Picasso and friends in Paris, France. A collage is made by incorporating multiple mediums and stacking or layering them in an interesting composition.
Art Vocabulary COLLAGE: An art technique of composing various materials onto a single surface. CUBISM: an object, seen from multiple points of view, reconstructed using separate "views" which overlap and intersect. MIXED MEDIA: An artwork made from multiple types of materials. PERSPECTIVE: Creates the feeling of depth. In our case, it can also mean the way in which one views an object. MOVEMENT: The path a viewer’s eye takes through and around an artwork. MOOD: The emotional quality of a work of art; how you feel when viewing art or how the artist felt when creating the art.
Which definition is this an example of?
Which definition would this piece be?
Talking about MOOD Art is a form of expression. Often times, this expression contains an important message for the viewer. In art, mood can enhance this message through color, shape, emphasis, movement, and so much more.
Mood listening and drawing exercise: aGXY61pYfSIW7qig2Pjqx_bUJoH3Y aGXY61pYfSIW7qig2Pjqx_bUJoH3Y
What kinds of moods do the next two paintings convey to you? – Look and think...
The man of the month, PICASSO! Picasso was born in Spain in His father was a painter and an art teacher. By the age of 9, Pablo Picasso had already achieved equal artistic abilities as his father. At 14 years old, he started going to the Academy (which is basically like art college) even though he wasn’t old enough to apply.
In the style of Cubism, an object, seen from multiple points of view, could be reconstructed using particular separate "views" which overlapped and intersected.
What do you see? How do you know? Is this a “good” painting? Is this painting interesting?
Line Composition Positive and Negative Space Perspective Movement
Let’s take a look at some different works of art and see how they can be viewed in the style of Cubism!
You will be creating your own cubist collage using mixed media in the style of Picasso. Think about perspective, mood, movement, composition, materials, and your own touch of creativity
What to do... Think imaginatively and authentically. Stack design on top of design. Repeat shapes. Repeat colors. Create mood. Be interesting! What NOT to do... Boring, straight horizontal layers going in the same direction like this:
Candy Time! What is a collage? How is mood expressed through visual art? Define movement in art terms... What makes cubism different from traditional methods of painting and creating?
YOUR TURN! Choose either a chair, stool, or musical instrument on your table. Draw it in your sketchbook. normally. Now, CUBE it! Look at that same object and flip it into multiple “points of view” to draw four separate thumbnail sketches. It’s key to not think and just draw. Let your imagination get the better side of your creativity and run wild. HAVE FUN!