Prepare for a warm-up in your lab book! APES 11.13 and 11.16 Prepare for a warm-up in your lab book!
Warm-Up 11/13 and 16 Copy and fill in the this table! # offspring Type of pop. growth Limiting factors Factors are biotic or abiotic R-strategists K-strategists
Learning Targets I can create and analyze survivorship curves for type I, II and III species I can relate survivorship curves to r and K-selected species
Life Tables and Insurance
Survivorship Curve Relationship between death & age for different species Type I Death = old age Type II same mortality rate in every age group Type III Death = young age
Survivorship Curves Lab You need: A group of 3 Bubbles A cardboard frame A timer Graph paper
Ecosystem Roles
The Niche Niche = an organism’s role in an ecosystem Ex: mushrooms are decomposers living on tree stumps Analogy: baseball players can be pitchers, catchers, shortstops, etc.
Niche VIPs Indicator species = provide an early warning that damage to an ecosystem is occurring Very sensitive to abiotic factors i.e. amphibians (dependent on water and land- exposure to pesticides, etc.) Keystone species = have a disproportionate negative effect when they go extinct i.e. pollinators like bees, predators like alligators that keep lower level consumer pops in check
Competition Competition = fighting for limited resources Intraspecific Competition = within a species Ex: songbirds competing for nesting sites Looks like this one lost the battle!
More Competition Interspecific Competition = between two or more species Ex.: douglas fir, western hemlock, cedar and alder all compete for water and sunlight
Competitive Exclusion Principle Competitive Exclusion Principle = no two species can occupy the same niche in the same place One species will out-compete the other, leading to evolution or extinction Natural E. coli out-competes foreign bacteria in your stomach, keeping you healthy…unless the foreign bacteria wins! Then you get food poisoning
Range of Tolerance A range of tolerance is an optimal range of abiotic conditions where a species can survive Conditions = temperature, salinity, pressure, light, Decides which organisms survive where
Range of Tolerance Ex.: salmon can only live in cool, fast-running water. When dams are built, water becomes stagnant and warm, killing salmon
Due Next Time November Current Event! (directions online) Yellowstone Park’s Grey Wolf FRQ on separate paper FYI: Thursday 11/19: smallish unit test Modules 14, 19, 21 and any notes (AP level) Modules 15, 16, 18, 20 (definitions only)