Temperate Grassland By: Ms. Duko
The Climate Temperate continental climates are found on continents in the Northern Hemisphere Temperate continental climates are found on continents in the Northern Hemisphere Climate in these areas are controlled by the fact that they are not located near oceans where temperatures are moderate; also called microthermal climates Climate in these areas are controlled by the fact that they are not located near oceans where temperatures are moderate; also called microthermal climates Summers are warm and can be very humid while winters are cold with snowstorms and blustery winds. Summers are warm and can be very humid while winters are cold with snowstorms and blustery winds.
Seasonal Change Temperate grasslands typically exist between deserts and forests where they act as a transitional biome. Temperate grasslands typically exist between deserts and forests where they act as a transitional biome. Humid Continental climate is one of the few climates with 4 different season. Warm and humid summer, cool and dry autumn (fall), cold and harsh winter, and a warm and wet spring makes living in Humid Continental a unique experience of weather that will keep you guessing.
Soil Fertility Temperate grasslands has predominant vegetation that consists of grasses and/or shrubs. Topsoil consists of partially decayed organic debris like leaves. It is dark in color because of humus (partially decayed organic matter) Subsoil is usually lighter in color it contains an accumulation of inorganic nutrients
Animal Life and Adaptations Golden Eagle, Gray Wolf, Jaguar, Rabbit, Kakapo, Llama, Golden Eagle, Gray Wolf, Jaguar, Rabbit, Kakapo, Llama, Hyena, Gnu, Gecko Hyena, Gnu, Gecko
Plant Life and Adaptation Grasses are the dominant vegetation Trees and large shrubs are largely absent Seasonal drought, occasional fires and grazing by large mammals all prevent woody shrubs and trees from becoming established. A few trees such as cottonwoods, oaks and willows grow in river valleys a few hundred species of flowers grow among the grasses Flowers include asters, blazing stars, coneflowers, goldenrods, sunflowers, wild indigos.
Plant Life Continues Temperate Grassland are broken down into two groups, prairie and steppes. Prairies feature tall species of grass while steppes include short grass types. The various species of grasses include purple needlegrass, blue grama, buffalo grass, and galleta
Food Web