7 Biodiversity
Scientific names scientific name specific epithetgenus specific epithetgenusvariety specific epithet genussubspecies Notice that the first part of the name (genus) is always capitalized while the second part of the name (specific epithet) is always lower case. Scientific names are italicized.
Species names are in Latin and are italicized. The scientific names of some North American species are listed below:
3 domains Archaea Bacteria Eukaryota
6 Kingdoms
Number of Species on Earth????
Number of Species on Earth? Group# of Species identified Bacteria5000 Fungi47,000 Algae27,000 Mosses & liverworts17,000 Conifers750 Flowering plants250,000 Protozoans31,000 Sponges5000 Corals & jellyfish9000 Roundworms & earthworms24,000 Crustaceans40,000 Insects755,000 Other Arths & minor inverts135,000 Mollusks50,000 Starfish6100 Fish20,000 Amphibians4200 Reptiles6300 Birds10,000 Mammals4200 Source:
Species by Kingdom
# of known species
The Animal Kingdom
Question #1
Question #2
Ecosystem services