Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Technology Exchange Meetings Steve Rentmeester, Environmental Data Services Sean Quigely, Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership
Technology Exchange Meetings Develop community of data practitioners Identify needs of local field offices Inventory existing tools Demonstrate best practices Identify regional strategic issues and options Objectives Timeline May 2009 – Sept 2009
Technology Exchange Meetings TRRP in Portland, Sept 4 th EcoTrust/ODFW in Corvallis, Jan 15th WDFW in Olympia, May 7th MaDMC in Wenatchee, May 13th TRRP on phone, May 20 th CRITFIC in Portland, June 5 th WDFW on phone, June 15th LCREP in Portland, June 18th Meetings Convened
Common Challenges Data integration / synchronization across multiple databases Lack of documentation (study design, metrics, protocols) Data entry forms that meet local expectations and state-wide standards Endless tail-chasing to meet current reporting requirements Lack of policy-level support Difficulties with funding and contracting
Additional Concerns Clarification of data practitioners role in monitoring programs Gap between expectations for tool performance and clear specifications for tool design (lack of data dictionaries, validation rules, and metric definitions) Difficulties receiving data from data generators
Successful approaches Shared development process with regular interaction between programmers and biologists Separation of data storage from data analysis tools Auto-generation of data entry forms from protocol documentation
Juvenile Out-migrant Data Groups - PSP, TRRP, ISEMP, StreamNet, CalFG Challenges - Multiple study designs, non- standardized efficiency trials, estimating catch, and difficulty reporting analysis methods Advances – study design report, reviews of efficiency trials
Technology Exchange Meetings Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Seattle, WA Sept th, Related Meetings IDFG ODFW EcoTrust PSP Proposed Meetings CRITFC NCEAS PSU/TESC
Technology Exchange Meetings Participation with various juvenile out-migrant efforts One-on-one metadata documenting work-sessions with field biologists Next Steps Products Tool Inventory Meeting Notes
Technology Exchange Meetings Questions?
Data SharingData Interoperability - Well documented - Discoverable - Accessible - Inconsistent Formats - Inconsistent Methodologies - Well documented - Discoverable - Accessible - Consistent Formats - Comparable Methodologies Technology Exchange Meetings