Transitions to Socially Inclusive Living
Objectives 1.To examine the effect of different models of accommodation on quality of life 2.To examine the effectiveness of person centred planning process 3.To identify variables that predict the effectiveness of person centred planning 4.To identify barriers to the implementation of supports
Factors 1.Individual impairment factors 2.Team factors 3.Organisational factors 4.Resource and resource mobility 5.Model of service
Examples Noise in congregate settings Moving to a group home
Progress Report 1.Time one data collection almost complete 2.Barriers analysis beginning 3.Themed monthly workshops 1.Models of accommodation 2.Leading Empowered Organisations 3.Shared Living models 4.Two initial papers in preparation for peer reviewed publication 1.Review of cost effectiveness Models of accommodation 2.An audit of existing person centred plans (quantum, breadth, depth (relevance) and smartness) 5.Independent evaluation of project scheduled for April 6.Partnership with National Federation of Voluntary Bodies