WHAT IS THE MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction to an allergen (bee sting or peanuts) where the body becomes hypersensitive. The reaction can take place minutes or even seconds after being exposed.
POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES Possible consequences of anaphylaxis can include: Airway obstruction Shock And even death
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS generalised flushing of the skin nettle rash (hives) anywhere on the body sense of impending doom swelling of throat and mouth difficulty in swallowing or speaking alterations in heart rate severe asthma abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting sudden feeling of weakness (drop in blood pressure) collapse and unconsciousness A patient would not necessarily experience all of these symptoms in the same episode.
RISK FACTORS FOR THE CONDITION Possible causes for anaphylaxis can include: Food (nuts, fish, shellfish, dairy) Wasp or bee stings Exercise Certain medications
FIRST AID MANAGEMENT An injection with an Epipen (epinephrine) is required to constrict blood vessels and reverse the effects of histamine. Oxygen may also be given Antihistamines to cure skin rash Breathing or tracheotomy tube if airway is obstructed.
FURTHER TREATMENT/MANAGEMENT BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS An allergy test is vital as without the knowledge of what can cause an anaphylactic reaction to an individual could possible mean it may happen again. Skin tests to see what substances irritate the skin.