21-05-xxxx IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: xxxx Title: Support for query of the registered event at MIH Layer and Link Layer Presented at IEEE session #17 in Dallas Authors or Source(s): Dong Peiying, Shu Guiming, Guo Junxiang Abstract: For the convenience of the implement of the MIH, the query methods for the registered events should be provided. Through the methods, MIH User can query its registered events from MIH Function and MIH Function can query its registered events from Lower link layers.
21-05-xxxx IEEE presentation release statements This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manualhttp://standards.ieee.org/guides/opman/sect6.html#6.3
21-05-xxxx Background In current draft, we have MIH_Event_Register.request and Link_Event_Register.request for MIH Users and MIHF to register events they concerned at MIH Layer and Link Layer, and by the primitives of MIH_Event_Register.confirm and Link_Event_Register.confirm, MIH Users and MIHF can know what events have been registered successfully. In general, there are more than one MIH Users will register events they concerned at MIH Function, for the reason of this, every MIH User has to remember their registered event status for future use, such as in some time it wants a different list of events indication, it can compare the new list to the old list then go to next step. So if there is query method of the registered event between MIH User and MIH Function, it will be much easier for the implement of the MIH User, for it can query the registered event status at any time. While there is also query requirement of registered event between MIH Function and Link Layer.
21-05-xxxx Background Now that we have methods for registering events, for convenience we should have some methods for query event registered at different layers. Through the methods, MIH Users and MIHF can query what events they have registered at target layers.
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events Add new primitives for query of registered events at MIHF : …… MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request Function This primitive is used by MIH User (the registrant) to query what events it has registered at MIH Function. The response indicates the events list which the MIH User has registered at MIH Function Semantics of the service primitive The parameters of the primitive are as follows: MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request ( SourceIdentifier, DestinationIdentifier, LinkIdentifier)
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events NameTypeValid rangeDescription Source IdentifierIdentifierAny valid individual or group identifier The identifier of entity where the request is initiated. This field may be optionally left empty if the command is local. Destination Identifier IdentifierValid MIHF identifier The destination identifier of request or response. This is the identifier of local or peer MIHF When generated This primitive is generated by a registrant such as MIH User that is seeking to query what events it has registered at MIHF Effect on receipt The recipient responds immediately with MIH_Event_Register.confirm primitive.
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover.confirm Function This primitive return the results of the request of the query of registered event by MIH User Semantics of the service primitive The parameters of the primitive are as follows: MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover.confirm ( SourceIdentifier, DestinationIdentifier, LinkIdentifier RegisteredEventList )
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events NameTypeValid rangeDescription RegisteredEventList Set of Event IDs Set of valid link events The list of the registered events When generated This primitive is generated in response to a MIH_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request primitive Effect on receipt The recipient may examine the returned event list and learn about the registration status of different events.
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events Add new primitives for query of registered events at Link Layer : …… Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request Function This primitive is used by MIH Function (the registrant) to query what events it has registered at Lower Layer. The response indicates the events list which the MIH Function has registered at Lower Layer Semantics of the service primitive The parameters of the primitive are as follows: Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request ( )
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events When generated This primitive is generated by a registrant such as MIH Function that is seeking to query what events it has registered at Lower Layer Effect on receipt The recipient responds immediately with Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request primitive Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.confirm Function This primitive return the results of the request of the query of registered event by MIH Function Semantics of the service primitive The parameters of the primitive are as follows: Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.confirm ( RegisteredEventList )
21-05-xxxx New primitives for query of the registered events NameTypeValid rangeDescription RegisteredEventList Set of Event IDs Set of valid link events The list of the registered events of link layer When generated This primitive is generated in response to a Link_RegisteredEvent_Discover.request primitive Effect on receipt The recipient may examine the returned event list and learn about the registration status of different events.