Legal Research using the Law Library’s Online Resources Di Thompson, Law Librarian Emalus Campus Library
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What to Use For background information on a topic begin with a legal encyclopedia: Halsburys Laws of England Halsburys Laws of Australia Laws of New Zealand
What to Use For Cases on a particular Topic use: WestLaw Lexis CaseBase
What to Use For articles on a particular topic use: Westlaw Lexis Pacific Law Journal Index Pacific Journals Index Hein Online Wilson’s Index to Legal Periodicals
WestLaw General search using terms and connectors or natural language: 1.Enter search terms in the search box 2.Select date range (if required) 3.Select databases
WestLaw Terms and connectors: –Phrases – use “quotation marks” e.g. “duty of care” –Default search is “or” search e.g. child juvenile minor (finds any of the words) –Use & for “and” searches e.g. negligence & lawyers (finds all of the words) –/s finds words in the same sentence e.g. manslaughter /s “reckless indifference” –/p finds words in the same paragraph
WestLaw Terms and connectors: /n finds a word(s) within a certain number of words of another (where n is the number of words) e.g. employment w/3 contract use % for “not” searches e.g. assault not indecent Wildcard * e.g. wom*n (finds woman or women) Truncation ! e.g. child! (finds child, children, childhood)
Search by case title: find case Donoghue v Stevenson in All UK reports database
Select version required e.g. [1932] A.C. 562 Click on the History button to find a case summary, alternative citations, articles, cases cited, history, leg cited:
Lexis First select source (use recently used sources as shortcut if possible) then click on GO
Lexis Enter search terms and restrict by date or document segment Terms and connectors: and (finds all of the words - e.g. negligence and lawyers) or (finds any of the words - e.g. child or juvenile or minor) and not (excludes a word - e.g. assault and not indecent)
Lexis Terms and connectors (cont.): w/s finds words in the same sentence e.g. manslaughter /s “reckless indifference” w/p finds words in the same paragraph Wildcard * e.g. wom*n (finds woman or women) Truncation ! e.g. child! (finds child, children, childhood)
To find a particular case first select a database then:
Halsburys Laws of England/Australia
Halsburys : results
Example of ‘references to cases’ search:
Browsing Halsburys From Home page click on red commentary tab, select the source you wish to browse eg. Halsburys Laws of England, then click on the Browse tab
Browsing Halsburys Open up chapters by clicking on the + signs until the topic required:
Wilson’s Index to Legal Periodicals
Wilson’s Index to Legal Periodicals: Results
Hein Online
Hein Online: results
Hein Online: full text
Research Tips and Tricks Be clear about what is required – do you need a specific case or piece of legislation, background material or articles on a topic? Which jurisdictions should you search? Determine the best sources to use REMEMBER: Computers cannot search for concepts – they only search for words Use synonyms /alternative terms/variant spellings All search engines are different – always check the search tips or instructions for searching
Research Tips and Tricks Use terminology common to the subject or jurisdiction Consult the online research guides for more comprehensive help on using the various online resources Please don’t hesitate to contact the Law Librarian for assistance or more comprehensive training