Faculty Senate Report November 19, 2009 Warren K. Wray Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs VP Schwartz attended ABET annual meeting in San Antonio –Meeting focus on accreditation of international programs –Discussion of technology and it’s impact on delivery of course materials (see Horizon 2009 report) –Industrial advisory panel dialogue on students skills and behaviors
Curriculum –Proposal for special program in sustainability engineering forwarded to Faculty Senate. –Review of Explosives Engineering MS completed. Proposal returned to UM Academic Affairs for consideration. New Faculty Programs –Working to improve coordination among different opportunities for new faculty facilitated by Vice Provost offices. Office of Academic Affairs
Missouri S&T - Enrollment Mgt ServicesFall 2000Fall 2006Fall 2007Fall 2008Fall 2009Fall 2010 WEEKLY ENROLLMENT REPORT(ADMS)(PS) 11/8/199911/8/200511/8/200611/8/200711/8/200811/8/2009 FRESHMENInquiriesBeg. Fr. Inquiries HS Jr. Inquiries Applications Pending Withdrawn Apps Admitted Cancelled Admits Denied Enrolled TRANSFERSInquiries Applications Pending Withdrawn Apps Admitted Cancelled Admits Denied Enrolled GRADUATESInquiries Applications Pending Withdrawn Apps Admitted Cancelled Admits Denied EnrolledOn Campus Off Campus EEC Total Graduate ORIENTATIONFreshmenTotal Reservations TransferTotal Reservations HOUSING AGREEMENTS***Returning Beginning Freshmen New Transfers New Graduates Waiting List Waivers-app on file Greek Housing/CCH TOTAL in Res Halls TH WEEK CENSUSBeginning Freshmen ,0511,0561,134 New Transfers Graduates TOTAL 1,2391,6351,7611,8091,963
Global Learning St. Louis Engineering Education Center (EEC) The EEC is becoming a significant source of classes for Missouri S&T students. The Spring 2010 semester schedule calls for the EEC to send 21 classes to Rolla for both distance and on-campus students including an undergraduate 200 level course for on-campus students only. Departments receiving these classes include: Civil & Architectural Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Engineering Management, and Mechanical Engineering.
Global Learning Distance and Continuing Education: Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Conference for 7 th & 8 th grade girls was held on campus Nov. 6, This conference included participants from 22 schools within a hundred mile radius of Rolla. Deborah Reber, a well known author and inspirational speaker from Seattle, Washington delivered the keynote address. Conference statistics included the following: –493 student participants (7 th & 8 th grade girls) – 40 sponsors (teachers accompanying their group) – 60 volunteer S&T staff and student guides – 46 workshop leaders – 3 career panel leaders – 25 workshops
Office of Graduate Studies Organized seminar on “How to write successful graduate research fellowship proposals?” (about 37 attendees) Posters with inquiry cards are being sent to 1600 Graduate and Undergraduate Deans from our feeder schools and Council of Graduate Schools contacts Nominated S&T student for the 2009 Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award Graduate certificate in Engineering Mechanics (revised) has been approved.
International Affairs The Office of International Affairs is hosting a four-part Academic Ethics/Plagiarism series. The first of four sessions was Missouri S&T Academic Dishonestly Policy, Academic Ethical Considerations for Students led by Dr. Harvest Collier, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Professor of Chemistry. The lecture was held October 26 th in 125 Butler Carlton at 6:30 p.m. The remaining three sessions will be as follows: –Monday, November 16 - Plagiarism Workshop hosted by the Missouri S&T Writing Center. Dr. Daniel Reardon, Assistant Director & Acting Director, Writing Center. Location: Campus Support Facilities, Room 114, Time: 3:00 p.m. –Wednesday, November 18 - Importance of Ethics and Moral Standards in Science & Engineering. Dr. Fathi Finaish, Professor & Associate Chair of Aerospace Engineering. Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Room G5, Time: 6:30 p.m. –Wednesday, December 2 - Business & Social Ethics. Dr. Adam Potthast, Assistant Professor, Arts, Languages & Philosophy. Location: Butler Carlton, Room 125, Time: 6:30 p.m.
International Affairs Awrence Shaalan, Aramco Student Advisor, visited Missouri S&T on October 11th-14th. He is pleased with the level of attention being given to the 33 Aramco students as well as students’ academic progress. Deidre Serrano, SABIC Student Advisor, visited Missouri S&T on October 28th and 29th. The visit went well including individual time spent with the students and Deidre. She is pleased with the attention being paid to the SABIC students. The International Friends reception was held October 20 and hosted 19 local families and 35 students. Additional community members are needed to participate in the program. This program matches members of the greater Missouri S&T community with recently arrived students. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the world and our international students. The amended contract with King Saud University (Engineering Management) was completed on September 9. On November 2-4, two faculty members from King Saud University were on campus to discuss implementation of the master’s degree program in engineering management which is slated to begin FS2010.
Office of Sponsored Programs FY10 activities through October and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: –Proposals awarded in total dollars: $24.3M (up 1.2%) –Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 127 (down 17%) –Proposals submitted in total dollars: $74.7M (up 16.9%) –Number of proposals submitted: 190 (down 9.1%) –Research expenditures: $16.9M (up 28.5%) –F&A recovered: $2.7M (up 13.6%) –Number of active awards: 595 (down 0.8%)
Office of Sponsored Programs FY2011 Congressional Funding Requests Submitted to UM System (Listed Alphabetically by PI Name) PITitle Requested Funding ($M) Al-Dahhan Research and Development of Integrated Biorefineries for Multiple Biomass Feedstocks 10 Crow Advanced Military Installations that Integrate Renewable Energy and Advanced Energy Storage Technologies 6 FerdowsiCenter for Testing Advanced Energy Storage Systems5 HilmasUltra-High Temperature Materials for Hypersonic Aerospace Vehicles3 LeuAdvanced Development of Aerospace Fabrication and Assembly Technologies6 Leventis Advanced Polymer Systems for Defense Applications: Power Generation, and Sensing 3 Mishra Waves, Wind and Scavengers: Next Generation Renewable Energy Systems for Naval Applications 4 Sarangapani Locate and Track Explosive Threats With Wireless Sensors and Networks2 Van AkenMaterials by Design: Lightweight Steel for Armor and Munitions Manufacturing8 Zoughi Millimeter Wave Portable Imaging System for Inspection of Aircraft Radome and Other Critical Components 4 Total51
Residential Showcase: The students in the Residential College Learning Communities will showcase their class projects during a Residential College Showcase event from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, December 2, in the Havener Center. The event will include poster displays, student project presentations, and refreshments. All S&T students, faculty and staff are invited to attend. Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol - April 29, 2010, Jefferson Capitol. For more information, visit: Nominations for Student Ambassadors are due by December 15, 2009http://ugs.mst.edu/ugrdc.html Save the Date! 6th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference- April 7, 2010, Missouri S&T Havener Center. For more information, visit:
Missouri S&T Curator’s Teaching Summit, Indispensible Advice from our Top Teachers- Missouri S&T’s Curator’s Teaching Professors will be sharing with the rest of the campus faculty through a series of panel discussions this Fall: Mentoring, November 11, 2009, 12:00 pm, Panelists: Larry Gragg, Kent Peaslee, Lawrence Christensen To register, please contact Rachael Riley at or Fall 2009 Academic Advising Conference Series Guidelines for Dealing with Issues related to Academic Dishonesty Presented by: Dr. Harvest Collier, Office of Undergraduate Studies November 9, 2009 from 12-1:30 PM Missouri/Ozark Room - Havener Center On-Track Academic Success Program Presented by: Dr. Scott Miller and Matt Hume, Undergraduate Advising office December 7, 2009 from 12-1:30 PM Missouri/Ozark Room - Havener Center