Literacy Rate and the Standard of Living in Europe
Literacy Rate & Standard of Living Literacy Rate is the amount of people in a country who can read and write Standard of Living = good education, health care, and access to technology
GDP GDP: Gross Domestic Product GDP is the amount of goods and services produced by a country GDP per capita (person) is the average amount of goods and services produced by each person in a country
Literacy: the ability to read and write COUNTRY LITERACY RATE GDP PER CAPITA United Kingdom 99% $37,700 France $40,400 Russia 100% $24,800 Germany 98% $44,700 Italy $34,500 United States $54,800
Most Literate Least Literate Estonia 99.8% Latvia 99.8% Italy 98.9% Literacy in Europe Most Literate Least Literate Estonia 99.8% Latvia 99.8% Italy 98.9% Turkey 88.7%
High Literacy Rate High literacy rates are usually found in industrialized countries. Industrialized countries depend on manufacturing for their wealth. They use the wealth to provide education, health care, and access to technology for their citizens. They usually have a high standard of living. Examples: U.S. & most of Europe
Low Literacy Rate Low literacy rates are usually found in 3rd world countries. 3rd world countries depend on farming for their wealth. 3rd world countries are poor, and their people are uneducated. Without reading/writing skills, people can’t get good jobs or pay for school.
Third World Countries Third world or unindustrialized countries are usually based on basic farming and have fewer jobs in industry, technology and communication. They usually have lower literacy rates because the country does not have education for everyone Only people who have enough money to pay for good schools can get an education.
Third World Countries Cont. Without education people can not get good jobs Countries whose economies are more based on farming (agriculture) and do not have many jobs in industry, communication, and technology are usually poorer and less educated. In many of these countries only wealthy children are able to go to quality schools or even go to school at all. In some cultures only wealthy boys are able to attend school. These countries have a lower literacy rate because many of their people can not read or write and have little hope of getting a good paying job.
Vicious Cycle in 3rd World Countries No good job Country does not produce wealth Country can’t afford to provide education & health care Most can’t read or write
Russia – Doesn’t Fit High literacy rate but lower standard of living than rest of Europe Why? The government requires children to be educated. The government used to control the economy, so the GDP was low and not very productive. Changes: government is increasing manufacturing & communications jobs People’s salaries & standard of living are increasing
Question 1 People in third world countries have The best jobs at the best pay Little access to good education A higher literacy rate A higher standard of living
Question 2 Why does Russia have such a high literacy rate but such a low GDP? Russians don’t want to make more money Education isn’t provided for children There are too many jobs and not enough workers The government has always required children to be educated, but the economy is not as productive
Question 3 A literate person is more likely to have all except Health care Enough income to pay for housing and food Technology (cell phones/ computers) Uneducated children
Answer 1 People in 3rd world countries have Little education
Answer 2 Why does Russia have such a high literacy rate but such a low GDP? The government has always required children to be educated, but the economy is not as productive
Answer 3 A literate person in a developed country is most likely to have all EXCEPT which item? Uneducated children