Parallel Ops / Go-Live Checkpoint Weekly Update – Friday Meeting January 17, 2014
Agenda IDT Debrief 9:00A – 9:20A Updated IDT Schedule and Conditions IDT Report Review: IDT 1/7 and IDT 1/10 Analysis and Announcements Updates 9:20A – 9:40A Multi-Day Tags Preliminary Scenario Results Look-Ahead 9:40A – 10:00A Upcoming IDTs and Scenarios Weekly Updates: Release Scorecard, Migration Report, Known Issues Log Settlements Update 10:00A – 10:15A Readiness Update 10:15A – 10:45A 2
IDT Schedule and Conditions 3 IDT DateIDT TimesConditionsNotes 1/21/14 Originally: 3:30P-8:30P 2hr IDT begins at 5:30P Now: 7:30A-4:30P 7hr IDT begins at 8:30A Regulation Pre- selection Tieline Drop SPP loses select tie-line measurements. SPP will simulate the loss of real-time data with significant tie-line data providers. MPs will not need to take any action; this is an internal process for our operators. EDR Testing with specific MPs will occur during this IDT Turnaround Ramp Rate set to 1 1/27/14 Originally: 4:30P-10:30P 4hr IDT begins at 5:30P Now: 7:30A-4:30P 7hr IDT begins at 8:30A Tieline Checkout ADI Regulation Pre-selection Turn Around Ramp Rate to Regular Submission 2/25/148:30A-12:30P 2hr IDT begins at 9:30A Regulation Pre-selection 2/28/147:00P 4hr IDT begins at 8:00P Cutover for March 1 Go-Live Ginny Watson
IDT 01/07 Report IDT reports posted to here 7 calendar days after each IDThere > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Integrated Deployment Test IDT 01/10 Report IDT reports posted to here 7 calendar days after each IDThere > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Integrated Deployment Test 4 Bryan Wood
Announcements 5 January Friday Meetings: Friday January 24: No Regular Friday Meeting IDT 1/27 Prep Call at 3P Friday January 31: Regular Parallel Ops / Go Live Checkpoint Meeting at 9A SPP will retest Mitigation Scenarios ( DA, RUC, and RTBM ) on Jan 28 Any MP who wants to see results of Mitigation needs to fail the behavior test with at least one unit. Units will be picked up in the re-run. If you are interested in participating in Scenario 16.3 – RTBM Mitigation, please submit the Resource(s) you would like to see Mitigated via RMS (Parallel Ops Quick Pick) no later than Monday, Jan 27 at 12P CPT. Ginny Watson
Multi-Day Tags for Day Ahead Market An MP requested that SPP allow Monthly/Multi Day Tags for Day Ahead Market Bids/Offers The Market Protocols only allow Day Ahead bids/offers up to 7 days prior to OD MISO has a Multi-day Process SPP will request an impact assessment for system changes necessary to allow Multi-Day Tags up to 7 days prior Depending upon cost and member approval this change would be a post Go-live enhancement 6 Shari Brown
Shortage & Excess Capacity Scenarios 7 Jarrett Friddle SPP retested Shortage & Excess Capacity Scenarios (5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2) in lower environments Defects described on the following slide caused Scenarios to fail Fixes are due in R1.9.3 – Presuming patch correctly fixes reported issues on time, SPP will retest Scenarios in lower environments by January 24 – Detailed results will be presented to MPs.
8 Summary – Scenarios in Parallel Ops: –4 Scenarios, 2 Partial Scenarios, Dispatch Simulator Test successful: Scenario 7 Must Offer Scenario 28a Scenario 15 Commitment Mismatch Part 2 Scenario 24 Scenario 13 DDR w/ Settlements Scenario 29 RSG Scenario 31 BDR w/ Settlements – success pending Settlements Scenario 36 GFA Dispatch Simulator Test – Note: Dispatch Simulator Test in process again from Jan Summary – Retests Pending: –2 entire Scenario retests pending Scenario 11 scheduled for Jan 21; Non-Functional Testing Scenario under analysis –8 individual retest requests pending Scenario Tracker as of Jan 8 Ginny Watson
Scenario 31 BDR w/ Settlements 9 Results On the Markets side, this Scenario passed Market Participant data was correct. Resource behaved as designed in RTBM and EMS. Dispatch instructions were observed via XML and Markets UI. Settlements KIL #899, which will go into Production later this month, directly impacts the charge types associated with BDRs and DRRs Settlements is currently testing the resolution for KIL #899 and intend to have it in Production for the Final Settlement Jarrett Friddle
Non-Functional Testing 10 Casey Cathey Results page 1 of 2 Planned January 14 th 10:00P – 12:00A Extended 30 minutes to 00:30 so SPP could research RTBM solutions that were produced Goal of Exercise was to test systems and identify areas that might need additional attention in a failover event. Follow-up analysis and collaboration with vendors are underway to identify, test, and validate solutions. SPP’s planning team will recommend and communicate the next steps including timing and scope to MPs following analysis. Summary of Expected v. Actual Results Other than exceptions noted, all systems functioned as expected. Expected Result: EMS automatically fails over is fully functioning with RTGEN for CBA Actual Result: EMS failed over after manual intervention; once the failover was completed, EMS functioned as expected Expected Result: ICCP is fully functioning and sending setpoints Actual Result: ICCP failed over correctly, functioned as expected Expect Result: Marketplace Portal User Interface and API available for data entry and retrieval Actual Result: Marketplace Portal and associated system UIs/APIs failed over correctly. Two external users experienced connectivity issues with the Markets UI. Users were able to reboot and connect. SPP is researching reported errors for additional information to provide to vendors as needed.
Non-Functional Testing 11 Casey Cathey Results page 1 of 2 Summary of Expected v. Actual Results Other than exceptions noted, all systems functioned as expected. Expect Result: Web Services (RTO_SS) available Actual Result: Remained available, as expected Expected Result: Market System is fully functioning and solving RTBM for approx. 1 hr Actual Result: RTBM missed intervals between 22:20, 22:25 and 22:30 while the failover was occurring. The first study solved at SPP’s backup facility at 22:35. SPP resources were onsite and continued to research the Market Systems during the exercise. Additional studies missed during the exercise were 23:10, 23:30, 23:35, and 23:50. SPP is working with the vendor to research and resolve this issue. Expected Result: is available for sending and receiving communication Actual Result: was unavailable from the backup facility servers and was reverted to SPP’s primary facility while Markets trouble shooting occurred. Microsoft is on-site to assist in identifying solutions. After the exercise was terminated, all systems and applications restored successfully to Chenal operations.
36.0 – GFA Carve Out Schedules Results Preliminary Pass –MPs submitted BSS headers for all but one of the GFA Carve Outs –No Import Interchange Transactions for GFA Carve Outs were submitted Only applies to 4 GFAs MPs did not submit hourly BSS profiles for these import transactions –SPP has enough data to test the GFA Carve Out process, and appropriate data to successfully test the settlements uplift distribution –MPs should start seeing GFA Carve Out uplift charges on or around 1/22 12 Jarrett Friddle
Look-Ahead: Jan 19 – Jan Parallel Ops Calendar Parallel Ops Calendar on > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Parallel Operations Test> Integrated Marketplace Parallel Operations Project Documents Settlements details on the Settlements CalendarSettlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > Calendars Jan 19 – Jan 25 Schedule: Ramp Sharing Off Mon Jan 20: IDT Prep Call at 3P Tues Jan 21: IDT Call 7:30A – 4:30P, 7hr IDT begins at 8:30A Run Scenario #11 EDR Wed Jan 22: IDT Debrief Call at 3P CWG Thurs Jan 23: CWG Fri Jan 24: No regular P Ops Meeting. IDT Jan 27 Prep Call at 3P Jan 26 – Jan 31 Schedule: Ramp Sharing On Mon Jan 27: IDT Call7:30A – 4:30P, 7hr IDT begins at 8:30A Tues Jan 28: IDT Debrief at 3P and 16.1 / 16.2 Scenario Wed Jan 29: 16.3 Mitigation Scenario Fri Jan 31: Regular Friday Meeting at 9A, Parallel Ops Ends Ginny Watson
Look Ahead Reminders 1/21 IDT Call starts at 7:30 AM, 7 hour IDT begins at 8:30 AM –Tieline Drop –Regulation Pre-Selection –EDR Scenario: Applicable MPs are in contact with SPP This scenario will demonstrate the clearing and dispatch of an EDR resource for all qualified products. Please submit Spin/Supp as ‘Market’ 1/27 IDT Call starts at 7:30 AM, 7 hour IDT begins at 8:30 AM –Tieline Checkout –Regulation Pre-Selection –ADI Please submit Spin/Supp as ‘Market’ 14 Bryan Wood / Jarrett Friddle
Migration and Maintenance Report 15 Migration and Maintenance Report Migration and Maintenance Report posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Parallel Operations Test> Integrated Marketplace Parallel Operations Project Documents Wendy Reynolds
16 Release Scorecard Release Scorecard posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Parallel Operations Test> Integrated Marketplace Parallel Operations Project Documents Release Scorecard Ginny Watson
Known Issues Log 17 Please review the Market Trials Known Issues Log on Market Trials Known Issues Log > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Shari Brown
Market Trials Useful Resources Integrated Marketplace Parallel Operations Project Documents > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Parallel Operations Test> Integrated Marketplace Parallel Operations Project Documents Parallel Ops Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Folder Parallel Ops Reference Documents Folder Scenarios in Parallel Ops Folder > Scenarios Schedule Scenarios in Parallel Ops Folder Scenarios Schedule Parallel Ops Communication Plan Parallel Ops MP Guide Parallel Ops Calendar Known Issues Log Release Scorecard Migration Report Integrated Deployment Test (as part of Parallel Ops) > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Integrated Deployment Test IDT MP Guide Parallel Ops Calendar Additional documents: Settlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > Calendars Settlements Calendar Change Tracker > Integrated Marketplace > Marketplace Documents Change Tracker Integrated Marketplace Structured/Unstructured Test Project Documents > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured / Unstructured Test> Integrated Marketplace Structured / Unstructured Test Project Documents 18
Settlements Update - January The December release was moved into production on Jan 8 th as scheduled. –Some days in early January were posted late due to the timing of the migration of this release. –A couple of defects were in the December release. A hot fix from Alstom is scheduled to be applied on 1/16. All January Operating Days will be processed using the December release. –Some Jan. initials were processed prior to the hot fix being installed but all Jan. finals processed with the hot fix in place. 20 Brent Wilcox
Settlements Update - February Last statements (1/31 I) will be posted Feb 3 rd. –Please see highlighted section of February calendar for details Statements will remain on portal until noon on Feb 5 th Settlement system cutover begins the afternoon of Feb 5 th. 21 Brent Wilcox
Settlements Update – February Cont’d Market Participants can start to submit their Bilateral Settlement schedules on Feb 22 nd. –Thirty day window will not be followed in this instance. –Any Bilateral Settlement schedules submitted prior to February 22 nd will be deleted as a part of the system cutover Meter windows will open on OD+1 (3/2/14). 22 Brent Wilcox
Markets Test Data vs. Production Level Data – Market Offer data will NOT be purged from the Markets Systems prior to 3/1 Includes existing offer data submitted since June 2013 Market Trials start -- even MP offer data that was seeded by SPP for testing purposes – Market Participant test offer data MAY become financially binding on 3/1 and beyond if preventative measures aren’t taken before 2/22 Update Market Offer Data 24 Erin Jester
Update Market Offer Data MP Required Action for Updating Market Offer Data 1.Complete Acknowledgement Letter by 2/14 Market Trials Liaisons received RMS ticket on 1/17 requesting acknowledgement of responsibility to update Market offer data and understanding of risks associated with having non-production ready offer data in the Market Systems after 2/22 Acknowledgement to be completed via RMS no later than 2/14 Escalation will occur for MPs not completing acknowledgement by 2/14 2.Update all Market Offer Data in the Markets System by 2/22 To avoid test data becoming financially binding, update offer and parameter data for DA Resource Offers, RTBM Resource Offers and Mitigated Offers Market offer data MUST be updated prior to 2/22 to ensure good, production-ready data for Go-Live 25 Erin Jester
Go-Live Validation Checklist posted to Readiness workstream folder on 1/17Readiness workstream folder Tool to identify applicable tests and perform internal, independent validations of systematic and functional readiness to cutover to Go-Live Tool should be used now and after the February Maintenance Window (2/22), prior to Go-Live (3/1) Go-Live Checklist is not to be returned to SPP. Only for MP use in confirming internal readiness. Any issues discovered while validating readiness should be addressed immediately via RMS MP Go-Live Validation Checklist 27 Erin Jester
Populate the following table based on MP & Asset Types Based on your selections, applicable tests will be identified that you will want to verify internally prior to Go-Live. MP Go-Live Validation Checklist 28 Erin Jester
READINESS UPDATE Erin Jester 29 Erin Jester
General Readiness Updates Go-Live Approach (similar to TCR) will be posted the week of January 20 to the Readiness folderReadiness folder –Will include the MP Go-Live Validation Checklist iDashboard will be updated today (January 17) per the established scheduleschedule –Total Number of Readiness Metrics: 50 Number Complete (Blue): 36 Number on Track (Green): 7 Number at Risk (Yellow/Red): 6 Number Not Started (Gray): 1 30 Erin Jester
Parallel Ops Exit Criteria Status POX-01 (Scenario Completion) changed from yellow to green for the first two weeks of January –Scenario completion will continue to be tracked There are three “at risk” Parallel Ops criteria: 31 IDMetric NameStatusVariance POX-20 OPS-15 CROW Outage Submission Yellow 12/28-1/11: 15/15 of resource-owning MPs who have reported outages have not reported them through SCADA and CROW within 30 minutes. POX-21 OPS-17 ICCP Model Validation Yellow 1/41 of MPs ICCP models are not validated, but is expected to be in service shortly. POX-22 OPS-18 ICCP Control Status Tracking Yellow 12/15-1/4: 26% of MPs submitted control modes correctly 100% of the time. SPP is adjusting how OPS-18 is reported, and metrics are expected to improve once these changes are made. See ICCP Control Status slides) Erin Jester
OPS- 15: At Risk Readiness Metric 32 Metric IDMetric TitleEntityStatus OPS-15CROW Outage SubmissionMPRed 4.23% of the total outages reported by resource-owning MPs were reported within 30 minutes. 1.41% of the total outages reported by resource-owning MPs were reported between 30 minutes to 1 hour % of the total outages reported by resource-owning MPs were reported beyond 1 hour. Data as of January 11, 2014* *Based on data from January 5-11, 2014 Erin Jester
CROW Topics for Discussion at CWG CROW Outage Submission Benefits –Avoid penalties –Avoid commitments that are not physically possible CROW Outage Submission Impacts –Examples of what happens within the IM when incorrect outages exist. CROW Outage Submission Penalties –Discuss the RUC Make-Whole-Payment Distribution Amount penalties for DA and RUC 33 Erin Jester
CROW Hot Topic Calls The intent is to minimize SPP’s potential for incorrect commitments. Help the members meet the Criteria requires. (Entry of an outage to CROW within 30 minutes of the actual outage) CROW Hot Topic Net Conferences are scheduled for 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM CST on 1/28/2014 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CST on 1/30/2014 Register via the SPP Learning CenterSPP Learning Center 34 Erin Jester
CROW Recommendation Resource owning Market Participants should attempt to meet the OPS-15 metric prior to the end of Parallel Operations on 1/31. Provides confidence that starting the Marketplace 3/1 with outage communication coordination will not adversely impact economics and reliability due to outage mismatches in CROW versus Real-time situation. Resource-owning MPs may continue and are encouraged to practice meeting OPS-15 throughout the February Extended Maintenance Window 35 Erin Jester
Update on Attachment AH Received all but 3, and a couple additional require updates: 36 RMSMPStatus 6147APXNo response after initial contact 6173CalpineContact unavailable this week; will follow-up 6201ETECExpected this week 6227Golden SpreadUpdate required 6246TEAUpdate required Erin Jester