© 2006 UNDP. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Proprietary and Confidential. Not For Distribution Without Prior Written Permission. Anna Kaplina RBEC Energy and Environment Practice Meeting Wednesday 26th September, 2007 Bratislava, Slovakia Questionnaire Results
1 1 CA – 5 Caucasus – 2 Western CIS & Russia – 3 South-Eastern Europe – 6 EU/Accession – only budget info TOTAL : 31 Questionnaire respondents
2 2 Staffing Half of the EFPs have additional duties (CPR, HIV/AIDS, DemGov) Number of staff working on environmental issues varies from 1 to 5 TOTAL: 47 per 22 COs Funding: XB – Core -> 50/50
3 3 Environmental priorities in the countries Water water pollution and sustainable use/management of water resources, water supply infrastructure Biodiversity conservation & Land degradation forest protection, prevention of soil erosion, strengthening monitoring and protection capacities, expanding protected areas, desertification, unsustainable agricultural practices Other important issues Waste and waste water management Sustainable use of natural resources Climate Change Weak env. legislation enforcement Sustainable energy Air pollution
4 4 How do we select our projects? Also: proposals from other partners existing portfolio of projects other donor’s priorities private sector opportunities local development priorities Government requests & GEF priorities
5 5 Donor coordination Donor coordination groups in 10 countries out of 21 Usually no clear division of responsibilities and niches between donors Except: Cyprus & Croatia, Macedonia, Russia, Turkey
6 6 What is not covered/covered insufficiently? Water management Climate change and adaptation Waste: municipal waste management, hazardous waste Environmental education Building capacity for SEA/EIA implementation at the local level Environment as a mechanism to promote peace building Fish fauna conservation Promotion of sustainable land management & land management in areas of mining and oil extraction
7 7 Total - 541,476,084 million USD In the pipeline - 6,409,150 million USD Sources of funding for UNDP E&E projects (million USD) Sources of funding for Non-GEF UNDP E&E projects (%) Funding for UNDP E&E projects
8 8 Needs: support from BRC E&E Sustainable land management Water management Climate change Adaptation Identification and development of GEF and non-GEF project ideas
9 9 Priorities for learning Climate change (Carbon finance, energy economics, energy efficiency, and in particular EE in housing) Adaptation (adaptation strategies) Other issues - Biodiversity (landscape level conservation management approaches, sustainable livelihood opportunities, effective management of PAs/coastal zone management) - Programme development and monitoring, project management - Water management - Integration of environment in programming
10 Thank you!