GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 1 THE GROW PROGRAMME: preliminary results of the independent evaluation Tim Cordy Director.


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Presentation transcript:

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 1 THE GROW PROGRAMME: preliminary results of the independent evaluation Tim Cordy Director Global to Local Ltd

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 2 OUR TASK to evaluate GROW in respect of: the outputs and results of the 16 projects the management of the programme in order to make recommendations for a GROW2

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 3 METHODOLOGY THREE-LEVEL ANALYSIS: 1.OBJECTIVE, via a study of the project’s documents, systems etc. 2.FORMAL, via a questionnaire survey of all project-partners. 3.SUBJECTIVE, via a programme of structured interviews done by phone

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 4 STRUCTURE Development and Evaluation of the projects Management of the programme Partnership issues Impact of the programme The future

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 5 TIMELINE May11draft survey 18commence survey June1complete survey 8prepare interviews 15interviews 22steering group meeting July6complete interviews 13discuss Draft Report with GROW Programme Management 27final Report to GROW Programme Management

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 6 Responses by region Emilia Romagna89% Malopolska82% Andalucía75% South East England58% Noord-Brabant50% OVERALL66%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 7 MANAGEMENT Programme management tools generally rated “Satisfactory” or “Good” On-line monitoring guidance the best Regional Correspondents: 54% ‘very useful’ + 46% ‘useful’ =100% satisfaction

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 8 MANAGEMENT The online monitoring system made: financial monitoring ‘a bit/lot easier’ for 62% ‘a bit more difficult’ for 36% activity monitoring ‘a bit/lot easier’ for 79% ‘a bit more difficult’ for 19%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 9 PARTNERSHIP WORKING Working in partnership adds ‘a bit/a lot’ for 85% within region for 89% in other regions Would you consider working with partners again when this project is finished? 96% ‘yes all/some of my partners’

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 10 IMPACT Policy influence, direct/indirect: Local: 80% Regional: 92% National: 51% Project contributions, significant/very high innovation 61% sustainable development 50% improve environment 32% equal opportunities 32% social cohesion 29% create jobs 27%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 11 GROW: strong/weak points? WEAKNESSES bureaucracy of the EU ‘no weaknesses’ slow flow of finances not enough time [various] STRENGTHS working with hundreds of EU partners ambitious and very interesting objectives 3P idea support from GROW secretariat addresses issues that really matter

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 12 THE FUTURE % never been involved in a cooperation project before 58% % wanting to be in GROW2?100%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 13 What sub-themes (indicative)? GREEN GROWTH Waste Management41% Environmental Technologies39% Sustainable Construction34% Climate Change34% Resource Management27% Environmental Management Systems27% Sustainable Public Procurement25% Environmentally friendly means of travel23% Water Management23% Brownfield Regeneration16% Flood Risk Management14%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 14 What sub-themes (indicative)? BUSINESS GROWTH Culture of Entrepreneurship66% High Quality Workforce59% Technology transfer50% Cluster development39% Incubation34% Trading25%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 15 What sub-themes (indicative)? INCLUSIVE GROWTH Education and training to young people50% Public / Private / Community partnerships39% Integrating marginalised and excluded groups39% Social Enterprises36% Labour market functionality34% Human Resource Management25% Urban Renaissance25% Demographic change – ageing population23%

GROW conference 20-Jun-07 Tim Cordy: EVALUATION AND THE FUTURE 16 Thank you for your attention!