Feasibility Study of a Nationally Recognised Air Quality Qualification
Principal Consultant Details Andrew Clark – University of Salford Lecturer in Environmental Health & Management 20 years teaching experience Recent project work with United Utilities and EON UK Programme Leader: MSc Environmental Assessment & Management
Project Aim Feasibility study –Need for and desirability of nationally recognised AQ and GHG emissions management qualification –Characterisation of training and updating needs
Relevant Issues LAQM and climate change not explicitly linked Competency frameworks and CPD Existing provision Knowledge and skills Performance framework and national indicators Delivery mechanisms
Project Objectives Characterise governance structures Characterise existing provision and assess sufficiency Assess training and updating needs Comparative and gap analysis Explore sources of funding and accreditation Examine qualification models Test feasibility of mounting a qualification
Study Design Four Phases –Phase 1 Desk-based study of current provision Postal survey of local authorities –Phase 2 Comparative analysis current provision and identified training needs Gap analysis –Phase 3 Sources of funding and accreditation issues –Phase 4 Data comparison and testing of observed issues
Progress Desk-based study completed identifying: –Formal qualifications –CPD and other training Initial interviews conducted with selected AQ staff Survey questionnaire developed and pre- tested with selected AQ staff Database of LA contacts finalised Survey to be conducted in the next 6 weeks
Survey Design Three sections –Local authority descriptors –Synergies between air quality and carbon reduction functions –Participation in training and updating –Priority training needs