EVENING HIGHSCHOOL LIMASSOL Research on climate changes March 2010
Research on Climatic Changes, Environment and Energy The questionnaire was anonymous and was investigating the assessments of students in our school with closed questions to the following areas: Knowledge on climate changes Behaviors associated with climate change
Knowledge of the climatic changes, the environment and the energy
Is the information on the environmental problems satisfactory in your place?
Does the educational System accomplish to inform and sensitize the students about the environment?
The countries of EU have committed to decrease the emissions gases of greenhouse at least 20% under the levels of 1990 until Do you believe this can be done?
Energy saving lamps last up to ten times more than conventional lamps.
Are the measures taken by the state dealing with the confrontation of the environmental problems enough?
Behaviors related with climate changes, environment and energy
Are you informed of the environmental problems of your country?
Does your school have courses concerning Environmental Education?
Do you participate in protests over environmental problems of your place?
Do you participate in recycling programmes in your region?
Do you use your car for short journeys instead of walking?
Do you use the bicycle in the city?
Do you use the bus?