Leadership Leaders- Someone who influences other for achievement for the particular goal on organization. Leadership may be defined as impact on others in a desired direction to accomplish a particular goal.
Leadership vs. Management Addresses ‘why’ Inspiration/Vision Service Focus Strategy Innovation Fulfillment Versatility Alignment Addresses ‘how’ Clarification Profit focus Operations Improvement Performance Consistency Accountability
The Beginning of Leadership Theory: Trait theory Leaders possess special traits that set them apart from others. These traits are responsible for their assuming positions of authority.
Traits associated with leadership: Intelligence Honesty and integrity Initiative: drive and ambition Self-confidence The desire to lead and influence others Deep technical knowledge related to their field
Charismatic leaders Leaders who exert powerful effects on their followers and to whom several special traits are attributed. Charismatics sway people and shape the future by their sheer presence and personality.
Behavioral Theories of Leadership: Learned and Taught Two dimensional “Initiating structure” and “Consideration” Channels of communication, methods, procedures, organizational structure AND friendship, mutual trust, warm relationships Production orientation vs. Employee orientation (Katz & Kahn) Employee Orientation = Increased group productivity & employee satisfaction Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid Concern for People vs. Concern for Task
Next: Situational Leadership (Contingency Theory) Multi-dimensional Situational factors characteristics of the group, the environment, and the leader - all effect leadership behaviors and effectiveness The person who becomes the leader of a specific group is determined largely by situational factors. Different situations require different types of leadership.
Is Situational Leadership the Answer? Situational leadership revealed the complexity of leadership but still proved to be insufficient because the theories could not predict which leadership skills would be more effective in certain situations.
Transactional leadership Leaders who engage in “transactions” with employees, such as using rewards to encourage good performance and punishment for inadequate performance. Transactional leaders rely heavily on power from their organizational position and status. Research shows that most men describe themselves this way.
Transformational leadership “Transformational” leaders are focused on “transforming” their employees’ priorities to reflect the interest of the group. This involves the use of collaboration and open communication. Transformational leaders influence people and events. Most women identify themselves this way.
Traits of the Leadership Driving- Effective leaders are highly ambitious and desire to achieve the goals. Leading- Effective leaders are having a strong desire to lead others to unique direction. Integrity- They makes healthier relationship in an organization by establishing the values like integrity, honesty. Highly Confidence- They are highly confidence people to show their high competence in their relevant tasks, so that follower may adopt their ways and rely on their competences. Energetic- Highly energetic and possess the high activity level and having never to say attitude. Cooperative & Assertive- They are having a quality of being cooperative with the aim to build team building and they are very assertive people with the aim to grievance handling and to motivate their team members. Willingness to assume responsibility- Highly responsible people and take accountability for particular task. Job-relevant knowledge- Very high knowledge to their work, for the particular organization, industry and contemporary environment, which help them to be more competence in their works.
Objectives of the Leadrership There are certain objectives of the leaders, make successful for becoming effective leaders. These objectives are as follows- To enhance the values of a system or organization To inspire and motivate the team members To make trust in an organization Communication effectively Better negotiable and grievances handling
Leadership Skills The skills which are imperative for the successful leaders are as follows- Visioning Skills Persuasion Skills Motivational Skills Conflicts Resolution Skills
1. Visioning Skills –Have a certain direction and purpose related with the organization. –Must contain the organizational qualities such as values, beliefs and cultures. –It should able to generate the qualities such as motivation, passion, and enthusiasm. –Create the sense of the responsibility among the team members. –Represent the values of the leaders, so that employees can also feel the values of the leader and also able to correlate this with the organizational values. –Clearly and effectively communicated among the team members.
Adoption of the Leadership vision in an organization Based on the past experience Analyzing the Present Situation Future Anticipation
2. Persuasion Skills By the persuasion, leaders make their team members to accept the ideas, concepts, things and opinions. These groups are as under- –Skeptics –Charismatic –Followers –Controllers –Thinkers
Skeptics: - Characteristics of these peoples are as follows- These peoples are very concerned about their thoughts and beliefs. Nature of these people is challenging, disruptive and offensive.
Persuader must try to generate the credibility before the persuasion for these peoples. Persuader must try to gain the trust from the skeptics, because these people search the common things in the presenter such as education, profession, experience, intellectual level, hence for presenter its required to know all these parameters for these peoples and try to discover the common things from the skeptics. In between the discussion with these peoples, presenter should make healthy debates and need not to challenge them, rather try to make consensus after doubt clearing wit proper care and being assertive.
2. Charismatics These people are very enthusiastic, energetic, intelligent, dominant and having large numbers of ideas and informations related with their own fields. Also they possess the quality to successfully implementation of these ideas with the responsibility for the outcomes. Though they are emotional but also possess the quality of being rational, this shows in their implementation of ideas.
Persuasion Skills Presenter should provide all the relevant informations to these peoples so that feasible decision may be developed with the discussion. -Risk factors should be clearly communicated to these peoples and also develop the measures with the help of these peoples that can minimize the risks. -Presentation should be comprehensive hence critical informations should be provided firstly.
Followers Followers- Characteristics of these peoples are as follows- - They are having more trust on the past decisions that have been taken in same circumstances. - These people are not early adopters, hence initiation for decision making seldom occurs. - They are very careful while taking the decision and usually consider all the informations in details. - They are also very keen to learning from others, hence they listen carefully to presenter and invest sufficient time to analyze these detail informations for taking the rational decision. - Very easy to persuade.
Persuading Followers – Following points should be considered while persuading the followers- Because they trust on the proven materials, hence presenter must display the proved data, figures, and facts from authentic sources, with the aim to develop the fait in followers. Presenter can persuade successfully by showing the past decisions taken in the similar conditions, with the aim to generate the trust in followers. The ideas develop by the followers are also similar to past decisions; hence they rely on the past successful.
Controllers- Characteristics of these peoples are as follows- These people are analytical, logical thinker, rational, unemotional, and concerned with their concrete objectives. They much concern the valid arguments, and away with any ambiguity, uncertainty. While during decision making process they make judgment based on their own perspective, unlike the followers based on the others.
Persuading Controllers – Following points should be considered while persuading the controllers As the controllers are self-centre peoples, hence it’s imperative for the presenter to make the presentation lively with breaking the long silence during the presentation. Presenter should provide accurate informations to controllers and need not try to impose his own decision, rather after analyzing the relevant information, controllers make their own decisions. Persuader has a quality of being patient, as controller take appropriate time for taking the decision.
Thinkers- Characteristics of these peoples are as follows- Thinkers are most difficult peoples to persuade, as they are highly logical people and rely on the quantitative figures. They take decision based on the comparative data, hence take sufficient time for taking the decisions.
Persuading Thinkers – Following points should be considered while persuading the thinkers- -Presenter must carry the concrete facts, informations with them for creating the trust. - Give sufficient time for thinkers for taking decision.
Motivation Skills General Methods for Motivation 1.Truth as the highest virtue 2.Desire to be great efforts, contribution 3.Communication Skills 4.Motivation by caring 5.Motivation by setting the difficult goals
Motivate people at different levels- Executive team- By strengthen the ownership rights Middle level- Providing the right, feasible challenges Others staff- Realizing the stability- Job satisfaction, job involvement- Bonuses,Incentives
Conflicts Resolution Skills Essentials skills required for the conflicts resolution- 1.Assertive Communication 2.Listening 3.Problem Solving 4.Negotiation
Leadership: Creates an environment for FULFILLMENT. Encourages people to grow and reach their potential. Helps people make connections between what they can contribute and a larger purpose. Inspires people to see the opportunity and possibilities that can come with change.
Management: Creates an environment for PERFORMANCE. Establishes processes and systems that make work easier. Provides directions to assure that results are achieved. Allocates resources in a cost-effective way.
Good managers make good leaders. (1) Agree (2) Disagree
Good leaders are good managers. (1) Agree (2) Disagree
Providing directions to assure that results are achieved is a responsibility of: (1) Management (2) Leadership
Being supportive is associated with: (1) Leadership –(2) Management (3) Both
Coaching, decision making, and motivation are associated with: (1) Leadership (2) Management (3) Both
Leaders are born. (1) Agree (2) Disagree
The situation determines the leader. –(1) Agree –(2) Disagree
Leadership can be learned. (1) True (2) False
Leadership can be taught. (1) Agree –(2) Disagree