How to Give an Effective Presentation Steve Werner University of Houston
Overview Professionalism Slides Engagement Organization
Professionalism Meet time expectations. Dress appropriately. Be respectful and courteous. Be confident. Avoid unprofessional behaviors.
Slides Consistency. Readability. Avoid typos. Avoid distractions.
Consistency In animations. In template - colors. In fonts. In font size.
Readability Font size. Color. Busyness, where there are entire paragraphs on the slide, rather than just bullet points to keep the presenter on track. When you have too much writing on the slide, everyone in the audience will just be reading the slides rather than listening to you. Tables.
Avoid Typos Indicat sloppyness. Inteligence issue? Distrancting.
Avoid Distractions Animations Annotations Previous issues Sound effects.
Engagement Verbal behaviors. Non-verbal behaviors.
Verbal Behaviors Verbal pauses. Conversational. Tone.
Non-Verbal Behaviors Eye-contact Movement Hands
Organization Title. Roadmaps. Conclusion.
Conclusion Professionalism Slides Engagement Organization