The I nternational G enetically E ngineered M achine competition
What is it all about? Prestigeous SynBio competition for student teams from leading universities worldwide. Goal: Develop novel biological devices and systems based on standardised genetic building blocks (so-called BioBricks). The Team Interdisciplinary team of 5-15 under- or overgraduate students Ideally theoreticians (mathematics, (bio)informatics, physics) + experimentalists (molecular biology) 2-4 supervisors, with at least one faculty member (professor) The Challenge Teambuilding Development of a cool scientific project in the realm of Synthetic Biology Fundraising (~ € !) + public relations (flyers, posters, public discussions, webpage, presse, etc.) Realization of the molecular biology experiments („wet lab“) Modelling of the system („dry lab“) Presentation of the results (poster, talk) at the iGEM „Jamboree“ in Boston (USA) That means 6 month of „blood, sweat and tears“ (and lot‘s of fun!) in parallel to normal curriculum (Feb – Oct) Ideal and early „full throttle“ insight into „REAL“ research Inspiration for scientific thinking and working Potentially even a scientific publication! Networking for your scientific career
in Munich – a success story:
... And YOU in 2016?? Interested?? Write an to Dr. Beate Hafner, coordinator of GRK2062 at including the following: your name and affiliation field of study, number of semesters motivation and special expertise for iGEM deadline: October 25, 2015