PRO NMS brokerage Event PIAP Kosice, Slovakia , Kosice Marian Wrzesień i Krzysztof Mieczkowski
Over 35 years of tradition in solving technical problems
ABOUT PIAP was established in 1965 was established in 1965 employs 185 people including: employs 185 people including: – 20 researchers with Ph.D. degree or higher – i.e. professorship – degrees, – 80 researchers with M. Sc. degrees, – 100 employees - technical staff. income for year over 5 million EURO income for year over 5 million EURO profit for year over 130 thousand EURO profit for year over 130 thousand EURO financing sources: financing sources: – About 30% subsidiary from Ministry of Science – About 70% products and services sales
AREA OF INTEREST Development of miniaturized and micro-sensors and unique measuring equipment for industrial automation as well as security systems Unique know-how and expertise concerning automatisation of glass elements assembly (also in miniature scale) Data transmission and data processing We are specialized in realization of the unique technical solutions for low power and miniaturized monitoring and telemetry systems Robotics PIAP developed novel Mobile Robotic System for inspection and non- destructive testing of industrial installations Quality systems Recycling PIAP actively working in the field of designing recycling systems especially for electronics equipment as well as cars § Marketing and dissemination activities connected with industrial automation. Organization of the largest Polish annual fairs in the area of industrial automation -"AUTOMATICON", we are in close collaboration with local government and with small and medium enterprises
TYPICAL MULTIMODAL SYSTEM DEVELOPED IN PIAP Specialized multimodal communication modules Measurement and diagnostic modules Data Base module (Digital maps, SQL Data Bases) Operator Station ( Dispatch SCADA Station) Emergency Management module Word Wide Web data broadcast service
Nursing and disabled homes, modular and intelligent ICT eInclusion System for eLearning, eHealth and eEntertaiment NeST PROJECT
Social groups the NeST is dedicated to
MODULES SUPPOSED TO BE APPLIED IN PROJECT eLearning Scientific for the general public knowledge Encyklopedia Know-how for beeing convalescing Books Radio TV program on demand Internally RTV Rehabilitation support Internet, Divers consultancy
PROPOSAL OUTLINE Definition of needs for social groups being temporarily seperated Preparation of the thematic and software and hardware structure of systems System specification and design Building of prototype system Test, evaluation of the system and improvement Commercialisation and exploitation of the system
FEATURES Multi –lingual, -functional, -purpose Dedicated for deaf, blind, disabled Scalability thet makes it possible to Select and define subjects Develope range of interest Add own database Affordable for all needfull people
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