Virtual Statistical System Development Data Group The World Bank
On-line resources for NSO’s and other data producing agencies Information about statistical organizations and operations Links to valuable information sites & documents Checklists for the improvement of statistical organizations Information exchange for practitioners and users eLearning courses. 2 VSS is a portal providing …
Main Components of the VSS 3 Knowledge Base Activities Themes Comments Knowledge Exchange Discussion groups Wiki information exchange eLearning Animated presentations Power point presentations Improved Statistical Capacity
Accessing VSS Knowledge Base: Activities and Themes 4 Knowledge Base
Building blocks for statistical systems 5 Knowledge Base
How Statistical Operations Work 6 Knowledge Base
Discussions organized by region 7 Knowledge Exchange
eLearning 8
E-learning modules …covering 10 main topics… Management of Statistical Systems and Organizations Labor Statistics and Survey Design Justice, Crime and Security Statistics Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Agricultural Statistics Project Management Business Statistics Quality Assurance for Census Government Finance Statistics National Accounts 9
10 eLearning
Introductory (10 lessons) Supply of G&S and the GDP The ICP SNA Production Boundary Intermediate Consumption Final Consumption Expenditure Capital Formation and Trade Balance Informal, Non-observed, Hidden Activities SU tables and Commodity Flow Estimating GDP Estimation Methods Advanced (10 lessons) Volumes Institutional Sectors Balancing Items Household Accounts Government Accounts GFS vs SNA ROW accounts BOP vs SNA QNA and Seasonal Adjustment Satellite Accounts The National Accounts Module is divided into two parts 11
The World Bank, in partnership with other organizations, is looking into ways of integrating the VSS and its training materials into the curricula of training centers, as a way of providing a common approach to training and e-learning globally. 12
The VSS home page: 13