Welcome to Open House!! Mrs. Quimby’s 2 nd Grade Class
Flow of the Day Arrival and Morning Work Morning Meeting Reader’s Workshop and Guided Reading Writer’s Workshop Interactive Read Aloud Math Workshop Science/Social Studies Work Work Specials- Spanish, STEM, Music, Drama, Art, PE, Health, Chess
Reader’s Workshop 5- 7 minute Mini-lesson each day with active student involvement Read Alouds Building stamina in our readers: Expected to read independently for 30 min. or more each day Independent Reading with “Just Right” books Guided Reading groups Book Studies and Author Studies Readers “post it” their thoughts Partner Talk– have authentic conversations about what you read with your child
The Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Word Work Work on Writing Listening Station Guided Reading I-Ready
Shifts in Literacy Read as much non fiction as fiction Learn about the world by reading Read more challenging material closely Discuss reading using evidence Write non-fiction using evidence Increase academic vocabulary
Shifts in Math Focus: learn more about fewer, key topics Build skills within and across grades Develop speed and accuracy Really know it, Really do it Use it in the real world Think fast AND solve problems
Writer’s Workshop 5- 7 minute Mini-lesson each day with active student involvement 5- 7 minute Mini-lesson each day with active student involvement Conferencing will be used to help individual students develop stronger writing skills Conferencing will be used to help individual students develop stronger writing skills Students will be introduced to and compose a variety of writing with a beginning focus on personal narratives Students will be introduced to and compose a variety of writing with a beginning focus on personal narratives Other units of study include letters, informational writing, realistic fiction, fantasy and poetry Other units of study include letters, informational writing, realistic fiction, fantasy and poetry
Math Workshop Workshop model Math rotations Number Sense and Operations Algebraic Concepts Data Analysis and Probability Geometric Concepts Measurement
Social Studies Past and Present Geography Economics Civics
Science Life Science Earth Science Physical Science Science and Technology
Homework Math Homework is a review of strategies taught or review of previous topics Practice addition and subtraction with games on your own Language Arts Reading for min. Practice strategies taught in class and write how strategies were used in homework journal Spelling Activities will be given on Mondays for students to complete throughout the week
Assessments Literacy- Running Records Teacher Made Assessments after skills are taught/ unit is completed Observation Spelling test on Friday I-Ready
???Questions??? Time for answering questions… If we don’t get to your question, write on index card and I will answer in the next newsletter me anytime!