Go to Quia.com and click the “visit Quia web” button. Then, click the “go” button after shared activities. These are the free activities that Quia offers to teachers and students. To use some other features of Quia you will have to sign up for an account and pay a yearly fee.
Click the link for Spanish under “Categories currently available.” Now you can search for any type of activity such as a quiz, flashcards, word games, fill-in-the- blank activities, and scavenger hunts. Also, you can search by subcategory which breaks down the search into language functions, such as adjectives, days of the week, holidays, schools, seasons, verbs, etc…
Let’s say you are looking for an activity to practice using “ar” verbs in Spanish. Under subcategory choose “ar verbs”. Then click the “submit” button. One activity should come up and you can click on the title of this activity to do with your students. Click the “play this game” button to practice with “ar verbs”.
In this activity you will need to choose an answer to conjugate the verbs in parentheses. Once you have chosen all the answers, click the check answers button to see how you did.
If your school has a Quia account there is also the option for teachers to create their own activities and have students do them and submit their grades to the teachers through the website. Even without this option Quia is a great website for practice of so many language functions and cultural ideas.