2 nd Grade Laina Nakamura & Val Griffin Room 506 Curriculum Night Please find your child’s desk. Check the top portion of the “Student Information Form” for accuracy. Complete the Regular & Emergency Dismissal Plan. Sign & date. TURN THIS FORM INTO MY BASKET BEFORE YOU LEAVE TONIGHT. Thank you!
Logistics *E-NEWS: Let me know if you do not have computer access so I can get you a paper copy *Friendship List: Google Doc on computers *Online Payments: (Scholastic News & Field Trips) *Conference Sign Up (This will be online) *Volunteer Sign Up (Complete & Return by 9/25)
* Grew up in the Pacific Northwest * Dedicated Seattle Mariners & Michigan Football Fan * Earned my B.A. from the University of Washington * Masters in Teaching and Elementary Education Endorsement from City University of Seattle * Prior experience in second & third grade *This is my fourth year teaching 2 nd grade at SH! * I’m having a baby girl in October Personal & Professional Background Laina
* Grew up in ISD Earned my B.A. from WSU (GO COUGS!!) Masters in Teaching from City University * Prior experience in 1 st grade *This is my fourth year teaching at SH! Speak Spanish, love crafts, sports and teaching! Val
Important Information *Birthdays - No sweets - “Birthday Wishes” - Birthday Book *Star Student - All about me poster- “Me” items - Favorite book- Adventures with Owliver *O.W.L. Folder - Every Monday: TEAM Homework options - Fridays: Love Notes -Thursdays: Office Paperwork -Monthly Reading Logs *Alternate Afterschool Arrangements - Please send a note! *Field Trips: TBA
Online Information *Scholastic Book Clubs - You can order online! Orders due the 20 th *Issaquah Connect - Ms. Nakamura’s Classroom WebsiteMs. Nakamura’s Classroom Website Look for: Newsletters to be posted every other week Important information regarding class parties, projects, etc will be posted We recommend that you check the website weekly for updated information Go to our Class Website for links to Brainpop, EDM, IXL, Tumblebooks, and Xtramath.
Homework **Extra Homework Projects Throughout the Year** *TEAM homework - Given out on Mondays - HW resources are in your child’s O.W.L folder - Turn in on Fridays - Stars equate to: stars = 1 fuzzy stars = 2 fuzzy over 200 stars = 1 glitter fuzzy
Management * Positive Environment * Students as self managers & problem solvers * Guidelines - 6 Classroom Promises 1. Use inside voices 2. Raise your hand to talk 3. Follow directions quickly 4. Use helpful hands & words 5. Make smart choices 6. Keep your dear teacher happy * Success/Motivation Individual: Praise and Fuzzies Whole Class: Bead jar/”Bead Party”
Daily Schedule 8:30 Greeting/Morning Work 9:00 Writing 10:10 Specialists 10:40 Recess 11:05 Lunch 11:25 Math 12:35 Reading 1:15 Recess 1:35 Snack 1:45 Reading/Word Work 2:15 Science/Social Studies/Health 2:45 Jobs/Pack-up 2:55 Dismissal Specialists Schedule Monday- P.E. Tuesday- Music Wednesday- P.E. Thursday- Library Friday- P.E. 1 st Recess- 10:40-11:00 Lunch- 11:05-11:25 2 nd Recess- 1:15-1:35 Dismissal- M, T, Th, F (2:55) Wednesdays (12:45)
Word Work Phonics Program * High Frequency Words (pre-tested) * Phonics based * Focus on pattern/transfer, rather than memorization * Based on developmental continuum for 2 nd grade with opportunities for individualization * Word Books “Have-a-Go”
Reading Workshop Reading Workshop Model * Strategy-based mini lesson * Independent Reading Practice with “Just Right” Books * Reading conferences with teachers and volunteers * Small needs-based groups * Share Time for discussing or writing down thinking Other ways to practice: Buddy Reading Shared Reading Read Alouds Reader’s Theater *Volunteer s
Writer’s Workshop * Structure: Whole group Mini-lesson Individual & Buddy writing time Student/Teacher Conferences Small group intervention Author’s Chair * Process: Pre-write, Rough Draft, Revise, and Edit Other mediums: Love notes, learning logs, journal entries & class books Writing Topics: Friendly letters Narratives Opinion Non-fiction Poetry
Math Common Core State Standards * Instruction through interactive journals, active board, videos, workbooks, discussions, activities, and games * Whole group, small group, partners, & independent practice * Optional nightly homework (games, websites, activities) * Everyday Math Online, IXL, and Xtramath are great resources for reinforcing skills at home in a fun way!
Themes Thematic Units Life cycle of a plant Organisms Germs & Bacteria Hand Pollinators Communities & Maps Sun and Shadows Fairy Tales Puppets! Forces and Motion
Thank You Please join Mrs. Lederman, our PTA and ISF in the MPR for a short presentation from 6:15-6:45