Summary of Standard Assessment Regulations Academic Year 2013/14.


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of Standard Assessment Regulations Academic Year 2013/14

Assessment Regulations The regulations are in three parts: Part A: Pass and Progression Regulations - applies to undergraduate, integrated masters and taught postgraduate, unless stated otherwise Part B: Awards and Classification Regulations - applies to undergraduate, integrated masters and taught postgraduate, unless stated otherwise Ancillary Regulations: Extenuation Policy; Academic Misconduct, Appeals - applies to undergraduate, integrated masters and taught postgraduate The complete set of regulations, as detailed above, can be located on the following link:

Regulation 1 Duration of course Undergraduate There is no specified duration of course unless an exemption has been approved due to PSRB requirements Postgraduate Maximum of 6 years with no stage of the award (eg PGC, PGD or Masters exceeding 3 years)

Regulation 2 Passing a module and the award of credit Standard assessment model - a module can be passed if the overall module mark is 40 or above and the student has made a valid attempt at all assessment tasks (also see reg 3 for referral entitlement) Minimum pass marks may be specified for individual tasks - this is normally due to PSRB requirements (must be approved as exemptions by the University)

Regulation 3 Student entitlement to assessment/reassessment Initial attempt One referral attempt (if module not passed) students who do not make a valid attempt at one or more tasks are entitled to referral task marks capped at 40 In-module retrieval (where available) resubmission of same piece of work with benefit of feedback within the delivery of a module after making a valid attempt) - rework capped at 40%

Regulation 4 Deferral in a module or an assessment task A deferral is given in an assessment task or an overall module if extenuating circumstances have been accepted by the Extenuating Circumstances Panel irrespective of whether the student has passed or failed the assessment task concerned. This means the student can retake the assessment without penalty ie the mark will not be capped.

Regulation 5 Assessment timetable - timing of reassessment Undergraduate Standard courses follow the University academic calendar. Postgraduate There is no requirement for the University academic calendar to be followed. All referred/deferred assessment takes place as specified in the published course documentation issued by the Faculty

Regulation 6 Failure of a module (Core and elective) A student will fail a module in the following circumstances: following referral, students who have not made a valid attempt at all tasks (i.e. where there is a mark of 0 for all tasks and for the module overall) following referral, the minimum overall pass criteria in a module have not been achieved where failure in a module is the sanction set as a result of academic misconduct

Regulation 7 (1) Compensation, progression and award (Undergraduate and integrated masters only) Compensation applied at the end of each complete level after reassessment. Up to 20 failed credits are recorded as compensated pass and credit awarded when the following profile is achieved: – 40% or more on the complete level overall (including failed modules) – valid attempt made at all assessment tasks – fail modules amount to no more than 20 credits – overall module mark of 30% or more in the failed modules

Regulation 7 (2) Compensation, progression and award (Undergraduate and integrated masters only) Where a student has extenuating circumstances which means they have not had all the normal opportunities for first sit, referral and/or deferral, they have 'continued reassessment' A student in this position who nonetheless has achieved the profile for progression can elect to take the compensated pass, and not take the continued reassessment opportunity and as a result progress to the next level A student who does not meet the profile for progression is permitted to carry up to 40 credits of continued reassessment (without attendance) into the next academic year alongside the next level of study. Normally, students cannot carry reassessment where attendance is required – cannot carry forward again, even with accepted extenuating circumstances - prevents progression to level 6 with outstanding level 4 credit

Regulation 8 Constraints on progression onto the next stage or level of the course A student can normally progress if all modules are passed at a given stage or level. However progression could be affected by: any specified pre-requisite relationships between modules that dictate the sequence in which they must be studied and/or passed due to PSRB requirements maximum student loading regulations (see regulation 11) non-availability of modules

Regulation 9 Re-taking a module (core and elective) Following failure in a module, a student can re-take a module on one occasion only. This means they undertake the module learning and assessment opportunities again (this includes referral opportunity) and the overall module mark is capped at 40%. If after re-taking a module the student fails they cannot continue on the course. Available options are applying for transfer to a more general/generic route (if available) or applying for a different course

Regulation 10 Substitution of an elective module after failure of the module Following failure of an elective module, a student can choose to retake the same module or substitute the module with another elective module (where one is available) on one occasion only Substituted module is classed as the retake and overall module mark capped at 40% No further substitution is permitted

Regulation 11 Maximum amount of credit students are allowed to take Undergraduate and Integrated Masters (per academic year) o Full time = up to maximum of 120 credits, plus up to 40 credits of continued reassessment without attendance from the previous level o Part time = less than 90 credits, plus up to 20 credits of continued reassessment without attendance from a previous academic year Taught postgraduate (per calendar year) o Full time = up to a maximum of 180 credits o Part time = pro-rata (ie. 90 credits in a calendar year/60 credits in an academic year), plus up to 20 credits of continued reassessment without attendance from a previous academic year

Regulation 12 Part B (UG) Methods of calculation and classification of undergraduate awards There are 2 standard methods of calculation applied to determine the overall average mark to award honours degree classifications:- Method 1 overall weighted average of the 100 highest L5 credits, weighted at 25% overall weighted average of the 100 highest L6 credits, weighted at 75% Method 2 overall weighted average of the 100 highest L6 credits, weighted 100% Integrated Masters have similar methods of classification calculations but based on L6 and L7 credits

Regulation 12 Part B (UG) Methods of calculation and classification of undergraduate awards Degree Classification Level of achievement required for the classification First Class Honours (1 st )  achieve a final average mark of %, or  achieve a final average mark on the first class borderline ( %) and achieve first class module marks in at least 60 credits at level 6 or higher Upper Second Class Honours (2.1)  achieve a final average mark of %, or  achieve a final average mark on the class 2.1 borderline (58.01 – 59.99%) and achieve 2.1 class or higher module marks in at least 60 credits at level 6 or higher Lower Second Class Honour (2.2)  achieve a final average mark of %, or  achieve a final average mark on the class 2.2 borderline (48.01 – 49.99%) and achieve 2.2 class or higher module marks in at least 60 credits at level 6 or higher Third Class Honours (3 rd )  achieve a final average mark of – 49.99%.

Regulation 12 Part B (PG) Methods of calculation for grades of achievement for postgraduate awards Postgraduate awards calculated using ALL L7 credits Grades of Achievement (pass, merit, distinction) awarded at final and intermediate stages

Regulation 12 Part B (PG) Methods of calculation for grades of achievement for postgraduate awards Grade of Achievement Level required for the grade Distinction  achieve a final average mark of %, or  achieve a final average mark in the borderline range ( %) and achieve distinction marks (ie %) in the following amounts of level 7 credit:- o at least 30 credits for PG Cert o at least 60 credits for PG Dip o at least 90 credits for Masters Merit  achieve a final average mark of %, or  achieve a final average mark in the borderline range (54.01 – 55.99%) and achieve merit-level marks (ie %) in the following amounts of level 7 credit:- o at least 30 credits for PG Cert o at least 60 credits for PG Dip o at least 90 credits for Masters Pass  achieve a final average mark of %

Web address University Standard Assessment Regulations are available here : - click on Rules and Regulations or via the External Examiner page