Agency Questionnaire Results Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Conservation Strategy Work Group Information gathered September/October 2005
Questionnaire Audience 17 State wildlife management agencies 6 National Forests 4 National Parks
Questionnaire Response 13 State wildlife management agencies 5 National Forests 4 National Parks
Questionnaire Components 1. Current work 2. Needs/goals 3. Current funding 4. Funding needs 5. Threats to address 6. Threats NOT to address 7. Priorities
State Current Work Fish monitoring (11) Water chemistry monitoring (7) Reintroduce brook trout (7) Brook trout management planning (6) Genetic analysis (6) Protective regulations (6) Habitat assessment (5)
State Needs/Goals Operating funds (11) Hire additional staff (11) Habitat improvement (8) Fish monitoring (8) Non-native fish removal (7) CRP and other riparian projects (7) Habitat/water quality assessment (7)
Federal Current Work Protection of forested land (8) Culvert & barrier replacement (4) Habitat improvement (4) Fish monitoring (4) Protective regulations (4) CRP & other riparian projects (3) Reintroduce brook trout (3)
Federal Needs/Goals Operating funds (7) Habitat improvement (7) Non-native fish removal (4) Reintroduce brook trout (4) Fish monitoring (3) Culvert/barrier replacement (3)
Current Annual Brook Trout Program Expenditures (not including VA, MA, RI, CT and NH USFS) State = $ 3,673,025 Federal = $ 689,000 _______________________________________________________________ Total = $ 4,362,025
State Funding Sources Wallop-Breaux Sportfish Restoration Program License sales USFWS state wildlife grants State funds
Federal Funding Sources USFWS state wildlife grants USFS budget USGS research funding National Fish Wildlife Foundation
State Annual Funding Needs $4,425,000 Staffing Completing planned work Genetics research Contracting for monitoring/habitat improvement projects Land protection Equipment
Federal Annual Funding Needs $1,275,000 Completing planned work Staffing
Total Annual Budget Needs for EBTJV Partners $5,700, year time frame
Address these Range-wide Impacts Combined State & Federal Agencies Agriculture (11) Non-native fish (10) Road sediment (9) High water temperatures (7) Riparian habitat (7) Road/culvert fragmentation (4)
NOT Address Range-wide Impacts Combined State & Federal Agencies Urbanization (4) Agriculture (4) Road/culvert fragmentation (4) Dam fragmentation (2) Beavers (2) Non-native fish (1) Acid deposition (1) Forestry (1)
Prioritize Actions Protect greatly reduced stream populations from extirpation Protect moderately reduced stream populations from further degradation Restore populations to streams or watersheds where they are absent or extirpated Work to extend existing strong populations downstream into larger river habitats Protect lake/pond populations (where applicable) Assess or monitor streams and watersheds where brook trout data is insufficient or nonexistent Increase the number of biologists on staff to implement regulations, monitoring and management Educate public and decision-makers about the current status of brook trout in your or jurisdiction and the threats they face Other (please specify) -
State Priority Actions 1.Protect greatly reduced populations from extirpation 2.Protect moderately reduced populations from further degradation (tie) 3.Assess or monitor streams and watersheds where data is insufficient (tie) 4.Restore populations to streams or watersheds where they are absent or extirpated (tie) 5.Increase the number of staff biologists (tie)
Federal Priority Actions 1.Protect greatly reduced populations from extirpation 2.Restore populations to streams or watersheds where they are absent or extirpated 3.Educate public and decision-makers about current status of brook trout in their jurisdiction and the threats they face 4.Protect moderately reduced populations from further degradation 5.Assess or monitor streams and watersheds where data is insufficient
Summary Agencies seek a minimum of $5.7 million a year Funding needs –Increase staff and implement planned work –Monitoring and assessment –Habitat improvement –Brook trout reintroduction Agencies open to addressing most impacts Priorities –Protect vulnerable populations of brook trout –Assess and monitor watersheds –Restore brook trout