Introduction to Spreadsheets A spreadsheet is an electronic file used to organize related data and perform calculations. Example- Microsoft Excel. 1
Exploring the Excel Window A worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains formulas, values, text, and graphical representations of data. Each worksheet is identified by a sheet tab A workbook is a file containing related worksheets. By default, new workbooks have one worksheet. 2
Exploring the Excel Window Worksheet rows lie horizontally and are numbered from 1 to 1,048,576. Worksheet columns lie vertically and are labeled from A to Z. Successive groups of 26 columns are labeled AA to AZ, BA to BZ, etc. A cell is the intersection of a row and column A cell address or cell reference names a cell and it is made up from the column letter and row number. Example Cell A3 The active cell is the current cell. 3
Entering Text 4 Text is any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces not used in calculations.
Entering Values 5 Values are numbers that represent a quantity or a measurable amount.
Entering DATES You can enter dates and times in a variety of formats in cells, such as 9/1/2016; 9/1/16; September 1, 2016; or 1-Sep-16. You can also enter times, such as 1:30 PM or 13:30. 6
Using Auto Fill Auto Fill enables you to copy the contents of a cell or cell range to continue a series using the fill handle. The fill handle is the small green square in the bottom right corner of an active cell 7
Adjusting Column Width 8 To widen a column to accommodate the longest label or value in a column.
Selecting a Cell Range A range is a group of adjacent or contiguous cell. Two cell addresses separated by a colon ( : ) represents a range. Example: C3:D7 To select a range, drag from the upper left cell to the lower right cell. 9
Moving a Range The shortcut key combination for cutting is Ctrl + X and pasting is Ctrl + V. 10
Copying a Range 11 The shortcut key combination for copying is Ctrl + C and for Paste is Ctrl + V.
Merge and center labels A range of cells can be merged together to become one cell. 12
WRAP TEXT WRAP TEXT : This button wraps extra long text into multiple lines so we can see all of it without changing the cell width. 13
Numeric Formats 14
Entering Formulas Formulas are combinations of cell addresses, math operations, values and/or functions A formula begins with the equal sign (=) Examples: =A1+A2 =C2*5 15
Mathematical Symbols 16 OperationCommon SymbolSymbol in Excel Addition++ Subtraction-- MultiplicationX* Division÷/ Exponentiation^^ The formula is displayed in the Formula Bar when the cell is selected. The following table shows what mathematical keys to use when entering formulas in Excel. Example : =C4/D4
Function Basics An Excel function is a predefined formula that performs a calculation. A function begins with the equal sign (=) followed by the function name and arguments in parentheses. Example: =SUM(A1:A3) 17
Basic Functions Common functions include: 1) AVERAGEarithmetic mean 2) MINminimum value 3) MAXmaximum value 4) COUNTnumber of values in range 5) SUM calculates a total 6) IF logical function 18
The IF Function It is a function that is used to test the values in a cell and return one value if true and another if false. The IF function has three arguments: A condition that is tested to determine if it is either true or false The resulting value if the condition is true The resulting value if the condition is false =IF(logical_test, “value_if_true”, “value_if_false”) 19
Designing the Logical Test The logical test is built from the logical operators. 20
ErrorMeaning #DIV/0!Trying to divide by 0 #NAME?Text in the formula is not recognized #VALUE! The wrong type of operand or function argument is used ####### The column is not wide enough to display the content 21 Excel Errors and Their meanings
Chart Basics A chart is a visual representation of numeric data 22
Chart Basics Chart elements include: Chart Title Axis Titles Legend Data Labels Data Table Axes Gridlines 23
Chart elements 24
Chart Titles and Legend A chart title is the label that describes the entire chart. An axis title is a label that describes either the category or value axis. A legend is used to distinguish data points in a pie chart or data series in a multiple series chart. 25
To clear the format of the worksheet, do the following: Select the range. in the Editing group select Clear formats. To clear the content of the worksheet in the worksheet, do the following: Select the range. in the Editing group select Clear contents. To clear the entire worksheet, do the following: Select the range. in the Editing group select Clear all. 26 Clearing in Worksheet
Data Sorting: Sort Ascending Sort Descending 27