Biodiversity Test Review
Biodiversity Why important Definition 3 types Genetic Species Richness Evenness Ecosystem How does human development (building stuff) affect Biodiversity? Where does diversity come from? (result of what) If can’t adapt, what happens to species
Niche Fundamental Realized
Natural Selection & Evolution Process - traits (through adaptations / mututions) that allow an organism to survive and reproduce Artificial Selection Humans are breeding for desired traits Faster than natural selection Can result in “resistance” ex: bacteria that come resistant to antibiotics Genetic drift, bottle neck, and founders effect All 3 – small populations (regardless of cause) have less genetic diversity – smaller gene pool – less biodiversity More uniformity But more vulnerable
Natural Selection & Evolution Must have genotype in gene pool before it can be expressed – one reason biodiversity is important Large pop – has __larger gene pool – _more_ stable But small pop can change more quickly Pace of Evolution environmental change – fast or slow Genetic variation (gene pool) – a lot or little Pop size – large or small Generation (reproduce) time – quicker or slower
Species Keystone Indicator Generalist Specialist Introduced Native Non-native Invasive Exotic K vs r
Laws Endangered Species Act CITES – Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species Taylor Grazing Act Lacey Act Marine Mammal Protection Act NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act EIS – Environmental Impact Statement
Loss of Biodiversity HIPPCO H = I = P = C = O =
Invasive Species Give 3 examples Why are they a problem Characteristics of an Invasive Species Characteristics of a ecosystem vulnerable to Invasive Species
Extinction Give several examples Why are the in danger Characteristics that make species vulnerable What is 6 th mass extinction Why is fossil record incomplete Which animals are most at risk
Forests Logging Timber Clear cutting Selective cutting Strip Cutting Tree plantations Can you log in National Forests Does govt make money? Who manages Nation Forests? What goals Fire Policy
Rangeland Who manages Goals Can ranchers graze cattle Does fed govt make money What are risks of overgrazing
National Parks Who Manages Goals What use allowed
National Wildlife Refuges Who manages Goals What use allowed
National Wilderness Area Who manages Goals Allowed use
Size, Shape, Connectedness of Protected areas Island of Biogeography Does it apply to land Corridors What are they, are they needed, what benefit Fragmentation Edge Habitat Beneficial? Biosphere Reserves
Protect Focus on species or habitat Human demands on resources Restoration Remediation Mitigation Prevention vs restoration
Sustainable Use Externalities Maximum sustainable yield Tragedy of the Commons
Residence land is expanding Fastest growing Urban sprawl Urban blight Zoning Smart growth Eminent Domain