Fields of Psychology Quiz THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY
1. Which Field? Learning, perception, memory, motivation and other basic processes.
2. Which Field? Psychology applied to the workplace.
3. Which Field? Behavior influenced by physical and chemical phenomena in the body.
4. Which Field? Mental growth from conception to death.
5. Which Field? Individual differences in traits/characteristics.
6. Which Field? The influence of people on one another.
7. Which Field? Helps clients deal with “normal” problems of adjustment.
1. Which Field? Learning, perception, memory, motivation and other basic processes. EXPERIMENTAL
2. Which Field? Psychology applied to the workplace. ORGANIZATIONAL/ INDUSTRIAL / OCCUPATIONAL
3. Which Field? Behavior influenced by physical and chemical phenomena in the body. PHYSIOLOGICAL
4. Which Field? Mental growth from conception to death. DEVELOPMENTAL
5. Which Field? Individual differences in traits/characteristics. PERSONALITY
6. Which Field? The influence of people on one another. SOCIAL
7. Which Field? Helps clients deal with “normal” problems of adjustment. COUNSELING / CLINICAL