Upcoming Events Upper Midwest Spiritual Training –Milwaukee, WI –Saturday, March 3 rd –10:00 AM – 4 PM Bring your own lunch or go out for lunch (1 Hr.


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Presentation transcript:

Upcoming Events Upper Midwest Spiritual Training –Milwaukee, WI –Saturday, March 3 rd –10:00 AM – 4 PM Bring your own lunch or go out for lunch (1 Hr. Lunch Period) Marriage Day-Retreat –Saturday, March 17 th –10:00 AM – 5 PM (Lunch Provided) Optional Movie at Church’s Building at 7 PM

His Kingdom Bible Study Series

Class Schedule Class 1 – Conversion, Questions, Scriptures - His Word Class 2 – Quiz; His Plan; His Will Class 3 – Quiz; His Call Class 4 – Quiz; His Mercy; His Sacrifice Class 5 – Quiz; His Life Class 6 – Quiz; His Way Class 7 – Quiz; His Hope; His Family Class 8 – Quiz; Appendices Studies; Lifelong Discipleship

The Focus of Each Study The Point – What is the primary focus of each study Scriptures of Focus – What Scriptures lay at the heart of each study Questions – What pointed questions do you want to ask during the study Action Points– What main point of conviction do you want your friend to take with them

At the Start -Have a time to talk and see how they are doing -Pray -Review previous studies and action plans -Explain the purpose of today’s study

How do I know their Heart is being moved? Ask them (John 5:6) Look for evidence of their faith (James 2:14-24) but don’t present hoops to jump through Do you see changes in their life (1 Timothy 4:15) Are they taking initiative (Acts 8:26-39)

When Should I Stop Studying with someone who seems to be going nowhere? If someone is willing to get together and study the Word of God then don’t stop in most cases You may be having an impact that you don’t see Let them pull away if they so choose

What if someone wants to keep studying but doesn’t take it seriously? Challenge them directly but with gentleness and respect Study out their issue Change your methods Be patient


The Main Point The Point – 1. To help people understand that following Jesus goes beyond “agreeing” with Jesus 2. To help people understand the importance and purpose of biblical discipleship

Scriptures of Focus Primary Scripture –Luke 14:15-33

Pointed Questions InterpretationWhat... ? ApplicationHow..... ? ContemplationWhy... ?

Mark 1:14-18 Question of Interpretation Question of Application

Acts 11:25-26 Question of Application

1 John 2:3-6 Question of Interpretation Question of Contemplation

Matthew 22:35-40 Question of Interpretation Question of Contemplation Question of Application

John 13:34-35 John 3:16

Luke 14:15-33

Matthew 28:18-20

Luke 9:23-24 – Memory Scripture 23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. 24 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. 25 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?

Action Points What are they going to do from here to pursue discipleship?

Assignment Challenge Review first 4 studies Pray that God will help you to find someone to study the Bible Try to set up a Bible study with a friend during the course of these classes Sit in on another study that you are not leading during the course of this class

Additional Ideas If you are not in a study in a week, then review one of the studies –Review memory Scripture from that study –Review the content of each Scripture –Write out the Scriptures to help you get familiar with them –Create a topic Scripture journal