Oxygen By Ethan Pollard
What is it used for in the Human Body? Oxygen energizes the cells. The cells are what keeps you alive. There are 2 different types of cells, the white blood cells and the red blood cells. The oxygen is very helpful in the repertory system.
Why do you want Oxygen? Because oxygen keeps you alive by going on the blood bus that rides around your body so oxygen can give cells in your body what they need to work.
Where does Oxygen come from? It comes from plants using photosynthesis, than it gets released into the air.
The cycle of Oxygen Photosyn thesis Air OxygenBlood Carbon dioxide
Quiz Time Oxygen is made by plants True Or False?
True Oxygen comes from plants using photosynthesis, than it gets released into the air.
How many types of cells are in your body?
2 There is the white blood cell and the red blood cell.
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